Monday, January 4, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-4-16


Parents: Please assist your child with today's homework. 

·         Hungary was one of the last countries that Hitler conquered. Thus, the book begins in 1941. Although the beginning of the novel coincides with America’s involvement in the war, there has been persecution, legislation, and segregation throughout Eastern Europe for the past 5-6 years before the book starts.

·         Elie is being raised as a religious Jew, somewhat isolated from what was happening in the world since he is living in a small town in Hungary.

·         It is the plan of the Nazis to keep Jews and other persecuted groups like gypsies, homosexuals, differently abled, Jehovah Witnesses, and communists in the dark as to what would be their fate so that they would have less trouble controlling them.

·         Had Jews, especially young Jews, known about their fate, they would not have chosen to comply with the Nazis and would have put up greater resistance.

·         Much of the world stood by apathetically and did nothing to provide aid at this time.
Option 1:

Elie is being raised as a religious Jew, isolated from what was happening in the world since he is living in a small town in Hungary.

1.       Where does Elie live?

Fire symbolizes the Nazis power and destruction.  They destroy the Jews through fire within the crematoriums. 

2.       What does fire symbolize?

It is the plan of the Nazis to keep Jews and other persecuted groups in the dark as to what would be their fate so that they would have less trouble controlling them.

3.       Why did the Nazis want to keep Jewish people ‘in the dark’?

Option 2: Base responses on today’s lesson and readings.

1.       Where does the novel begin?

2.       Who are some main characters in the memoir Night?

3.       Why do you think Elie Weisel chose the title Night?

4.       Why is Elie isolated from the rest of the world?

5.       Why do you think keeping people uninformed (in the dark) makes them easier to control?

6.       What is one recurring motif in the novel?

Option 3: Base response on today’s lesson and background information reading.

Summarize the background information for the novel night.  Use the 5 W’s to help you organize your thoughts.  The summary should not be longer than 2-3 sentences. 

Parent signature________________________________________________

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