Thursday, January 28, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-28-16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one of the modified reading below and an appropriate task.

*Today, the United States is experiencing its second great wave of immigration, a movement of people that has profound implications for a society that by tradition pays homage to its immigrant roots at the same time it confronts complex and deeply ingrained ethnic and racial divisions.
The immigrants of today come not from Europe but overwhelmingly from the still developing world of Asia and Latin America. The are driving a demographic shift so rapid that within the lifetimes of today's teenagers, no one ethnic group – including whites of European descent – will comprise a majority of the nation's population.

 **Today, the United States is experiencing its second great wave of immigration, a movement of people that…by tradition pays homage to its immigrant roots at the same time it confronts complex and deeply ingrained ethnic and racial divisions.
l•The immigrants of today come not from Europe but …world of Asia and Latin America. They are driving a demographic shift so rapid that within the lifetimes of today's teenagers, no one ethnic group – including whites of European descent – will comprise a majority of the nation's population.

*** Today, the United States is experiencing its second great wave of immigration (people moving to a new country), a movement of people that…by tradition pays homage (respect) to its immigrant roots…
The immigrants of today come not from Europe but …..Asia and Latin America. They are driving a demographic shift (a change in human population) …no one …group – including whites of European descent – will comprise (make up)  a majority of the nation's population.

Option 1: Based on today’s lesson, what change is taking place in the United States? Do you believe these changes are good for the country or not? Explain how. Give examples from the reading and today’s lesson.  

Option 2: The theme of the month is Nation of Diversity.  We have learned about diversity in the USA and have been reading the novel Night. 

Based on what you have learned, what are some connections that can be made between the theme of diversity in the USA and the events of the novel Night? Write a brief response. Give examples to make your point(s) stronger. 

Option 3:  Base responses on today’s reading.
1.    What is the USA experiencing now?
2.    What is a tradition that new immigrants in the USA practice?
3.    Where do the new immigrants come from?
       Do you think diversity is a good thing or a bad thing? Why?

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