Wednesday, January 13, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-13-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

* SPRING 1944. Splendid news from the Russian Front. There could no longer be any doubt: Germany would be defeated. It was only a matter of time, months or weeks, perhaps. The trees were in bloom. It was a year like so many others, with its spring… its weddings, and its births. The people were saying, "The Red Army is advancing...Hitler will not be able to harm us, even if he wants to..."
Yes, we even doubted … Annihilate an entire people? Wipe out a population …throughout so many nations? So many millions of people! By what means? In the middle of the twentieth century! And thus my elders concerned themselves with all manner of things…—but not with their own fate. Even Moishe the Beadle had fallen silent. He was weary of talking. He would drift through synagogue or through the streets, hunched over, eyes cast down, avoiding people's gaze. In those days it was still possible to buy emigration certificates to Palestine. I had asked my father to sell everything,…and to leave. "I am too old, my son," he answered. "Too old to start a new life. Too old to start from scratch in some distant land ... "

1.    What news did the people of Sighet receive?
2.    How did these news make them feel? How do you know? (give evidence.
Part 2: Discuss some of the world events that worried the people of Sighet with some of the events that worry people today. Who had it better or worse?

** SPRING 1944. Splendid news from the Russian Front. … Germany would be defeated. It was only a matter of time, months or weeks, perhaps. … It was a year like so many others, with its spring… its weddings, and its births. The people were saying, "The Red Army is advancing...Hitler will not be able to harm us, even if he wants to..."
Yes, we even doubted … Annihilate an entire people? Wipe out a population …throughout so many nations? So many millions of people! By what means? In the middle of the twentieth century! …Even Moishe the Beadle had fallen silent. … He would drift through synagogue or through the streets, hunched over, eyes cast down, avoiding people's gaze. In those days it was still possible to buy emigration certificates to Palestine. I had asked my father to sell everything… and to leave. "I am too old, my son," he answered. "Too old to start a new life. Too old to start from scratch in some distant land ... "
1.    What news did the people of Sighet receive?
2.    How did these news make them feel? How do you know? (give evidence.
3.    What idea did Eliezer give his father? How did his father respond?

Long response: What are some of the world events today that worry people?  How do you think watching the news can help you be prepared?

*** SPRING 1944. Splendid news from the Russian Front. … Germany would be defeated. It was only a matter of time, months or weeks, perhaps. … It was a year like so many others, with its spring… its weddings, and its births. The people were saying, "The Red Army is advancing...Hitler will not be able to harm us, even if he wants to..."
Yes, we even doubted … Annihilate an entire people? Wipe out a population?... So many millions of people! By what means?…Even Moishe the Beadle had fallen silent. … He would drift through synagogue or through the streets… eyes cast down, avoiding people's gaze. In those days it was still possible to buy emigration certificates to Palestine. I had asked my father to sell everything… and to leave. "I am too old, my son," he answered. "Too old to start a new life. Too old to start from scratch in some distant land ... "

1.    1. What news did the people of Sighet receive?
2.    How did these news make them feel? How do you know? (give evidence.
3.    What idea did Eliezer give his father? How did his father respond?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...