Wednesday, January 20, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-20-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Resistance inside Germany

* Despite the high risk of being caught by police with the help of their many informers, some individuals and groups attempted to resist Nazism even in Germany... Many of these rebels were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps.
There were many plots to assassinate Hitler during the war. .. in early 1943, when it … a serious assassination attempt was planned by a group of German military officers and carried out in 1944. Hitler escaped the bomb blast with minor injuries. ..
Of the Germans who opposed Hitler's dictatorship, very few groups openly protested the Nazi genocide against Jews. The "White Rose" movement was founded in June 1942 by Hans Scholl, a 24-year-old medical student…his 22-year-old sister Sophie, and 24-year-old Christoph Probst…They distributed anti-Nazi leaflets and painted slogans like "Freedom!" and "Down With Hitler!" on walls of the university. …Hans and Sophie Scholl were caught distributing leaflets and arrested. Together with their friend Christoph, they were executed four days later. Hans's last words were "Long live freedom!"

Task: Write a paragraph in which you discuss why it was risky to resist Nazi Germany? Give two examples of groups that opposed Germany. What did they do and what happened to them?

** Despite the high risk of being caught by police with the help of their many informers, some individuals and groups attempted to resist Nazism even in Germany... Many of these rebels were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps.
There were many plots to assassinate Hitler during the war. .. in early 1943, when it … a serious assassination attempt was planned by a group of German military officers and … Hitler escaped the bomb blast with minor injuries. …
Of the Germans who opposed Hitler's dictatorship, very few groups openly protested the Nazi genocide against Jews. The "White Rose" movement was founded … by Hans Scholl…his….Sophie, and….Christoph Probst…They distributed anti-Nazi leaflets and painted slogans like "Freedom!" and "Down With Hitler!" on walls of the university. …Hans and Sophie Scholl were caught distributing leaflets and arrested. Together with their friend Christoph, they were executed four days later. Hans's last words were "Long live freedom!"

Task:  Do you think the people who stood up to Hitler were heroes even though they did not succeed?  Is it enough to risk your freedom or life for something you believe in to be a hero? Or does an individual have to succeed to be a hero?

*** Despite the high risk of being caught by police with the help of their many informers, some individuals and groups attempted to resist Nazism even in Germany... Many of these rebels were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps.
There were many plans to assassinate Hitler during the war… a serious assassination attempt was planned by a group of German military officers and … Hitler escaped the bomb blast. …
Of the Germans who opposed Hitler's dictatorship, very few groups openly protested the Nazi genocide against Jews. The "White Rose" movement was founded … by Hans Scholl…his….sister Sophie, and….Christoph Probst…They distributed anti-Nazi leaflets and painted slogans like "Freedom!" and "Down With Hitler!" on walls …Hans and Sophie Scholl were caught distributing leaflets and arrested. Together with their friend Christoph, they were executed…Hans's last words were "Long live freedom!"

1.     What happened to individuals and groups who tried to resist Nazism?

2.     What did one group try to do to Hitler? Did the plan work? Explain.

3.     Who was in the White Rose movement?  What did they do? What happened to them?

Teacher Signature__________________________________________________________

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