Tuesday, December 22, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 12-21-15

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic:  The residents of Maycomb are so angry that Atticus is defending a black man that they formed an angry mob and threatened to hurt Atticus if he didn’t let them get Tom Robinson.  Afterward Jem and Atticus have a conversation:

Chapter 13
“They were after you, weren’t they?” Jem went to him. “They wanted to get you, didn’t they?”
Atticus lowered the paper and gazed at Jem. “What have you been reading?” he asked. Then he said gently, “No son, those were our friends.”
“It wasn’t a—a gang?” Jem was looking from the corners of his eyes.
Atticus tried to stifle a smile but didn’t make it. “No, we don’t have mobs and that nonsense in Maycomb. I’ve never heard of a gang in Maycomb.”
“Ku Klux got after some Catholics one time.”
“Never heard of any Catholics in Maycomb either,” said Atticus, “you’re confusing that with something else. Way back about nineteen-twenty there was a Klan, but it was a political organization more than anything. Besides, they couldn’t find anybody to scare. They paraded by Mr. Sam Levy’s house one night, but Sam just stood on his porch and told ‘em things had come to a pretty pass, he’d sold ’em the very sheets on their backs. Sam made ‘em so ashamed of themselves they went away.”

“They were after you, weren’t they?” Jem went to him. “They wanted to get you, didn’t they?”
Atticus lowered the paper and gazed at Jem. “What have you been reading?” he asked. Then he said…, “No son, those were our friends.”
“It wasn’t a—a gang?” Jem was looking from the corners of his eyes.
Atticus tried to stifle a smile but didn’t make it. “No, we don’t have mobs and that nonsense in Maycomb. I’ve never heard of a gang in Maycomb.”
“Ku Klux got after some Catholics one time.”
“Never heard of any Catholics in Maycomb either,” said Atticus, “you’re confusing that with something else. Way back … there was a Klan, but it was a political organization more than anything. Besides, they couldn’t find anybody to scare. They paraded by Mr. Sam Levy’s house one night, but Sam just stood on his porch and told ‘em things …Sam made ‘em so ashamed of themselves they went away.”

“They were after you, weren’t they?” Jem went to him. “They wanted to get you, didn’t they?”
Atticus lowered the paper and gazed at Jem. “What have you been reading?” he asked. Then he said…, “No son, those were our friends.”
“It wasn’t a—a gang?” Jem was looking from the corners of his eyes.
Atticus tried to stifle a smile but didn’t make it. “No, we don’t have mobs … in Maycomb. I’ve never heard of a gang in Maycomb.”
“Ku Klux got after some Catholics one time.”
“Never heard of any Catholics in Maycomb either,” said Atticus, “…Way back … there was a Klan, but it was a political organization more than anything. Besides, they couldn’t find anybody to scare. They paraded by Mr. Sam Levy’s house one night, but Sam just … told ‘em things …Sam made ‘em so ashamed of themselves they went away.”

Option 1: Base your responses on what you learned and read.

1.     How do you think that Jem feels? Cite the text to back up your response.
2.     How does Atticus try to make Jem feel better? Cite the text to back up your response.

Option 2: Today we also learned about the ugly things that people will do when their hearts are filled with hate.  We also discussed how people can feel ashamed when they realize the error of their ways.

Write a paragraph discussing your feelings on why people sometimes can let hate get the best of them.  Do you think people have the ability to control themselves, or is hatred so strong that there is nothing they can do? Cite the text to back up your response.

Option 3:  Base response on the text.

1.     Do you think Jem is scared? Explain why or why not? Give evidence from the reading.
2.     What does Atticus say when Jem asked if the mob was a gang?
3.     What story does Atticus tell Jem about the Klu Klux Klan?

Parent Signature_________________________________________

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