Friday, January 8, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-8-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

*The next day brought really disquieting news: German troops had penetrated Hungarian territory…Finally, people began to worry….One of my friends, Moishe Chaim Berkowitz, returned … and told us, "The Jews of Budapest live in fear…and terror. Anti-Semitic acts take place every day, in the streets, on the trains. The Fascists attack Jewish stores, synagogues. The situation is becoming very s e r i o u s ... "

...In less than three days, German Army vehicles made their appearance on our streets.
ANGUISH. German soldiers—with their steel helmets and their death's-head emblem. Still, our first impressions of the Germans were         rather reassuring. The officers         were         placed in         private homes, even in Jewish homes. Their attitude toward their hosts was distant but polite… A German officer lodged in the Kahns' house across the street from us. We were told he was a charming man, calm, likable, and polite. Three days after he moved in, he brought Mrs. Kahn a box of chocolates. The optimists were jubilant: "Well? What did we tell you? You wouldn't believe us. There they are, your Germans. What do you say now? Where is their famous cruelty?"
The Germans were already in our town…the verdict was already out—and the Jews of Sighet were still smiling.

**The next day brought really disquieting news: German troops had penetrated Hungarian territory…people began to worry….One of my friends, Moishe Chaim Berkowitz, returned … and told us, "The Jews of Budapest live in fear…and terror. Anti-Semitic acts take place every day, in the streets, on the trains. The Fascists attack Jewish stores, synagogues. The situation is becoming very s e r i o u s ... "

...In less than three days, German Army vehicles made their appearance on our streets.
The officers         were         placed in         private homes, even in Jewish homes. Their attitude toward their hosts was … polite… A German officer lodged in the Kahns' house across the street from us. We were told he was … calm, likable, and polite. Three days after he moved in, he brought Mrs. Kahn a box of chocolates. The optimists were jubilant: "Well? What did we tell you? You wouldn't believe us. There they are, your Germans. What do you say now? Where is their famous cruelty?"
The Germans were already in our town…the verdict was already out—and the Jews of Sighet were still smiling.

*** The next day … German troops had penetrated Hungarian territory…people began to worry….The situation is becoming very serious ... "
...In less than three days, German Army vehicles made their appearance on our streets.
The officers         were         placed in         private homes, even in Jewish homes. Their attitude toward their hosts was … polite… A German officer lodged in the Kahns' house across the street from us. We were told he was … calm, likable, and polite. Three days after he … brought Mrs. Kahn a box of chocolates. The optimists were jubilant: "Well? What did we tell you? You wouldn't believe us. There they are, your Germans. What do you say now? Where is their famous cruelty?"
The Germans were already in our town…—and the Jews of Sighet were still smiling.

Option 1: Yesterday we learned about Moishe the Beadle. No one in Sighet believed anything Moishe said he saw. Now there are more news about what is happening and still no one believes.

1.    Give examples of all the clues (or warnings) that should have warned people. 
2.    Why do you think people do not pay attention to the warnings? Give examples from the text.

Option 2:  Write a 2-3 sentence summary of this passage.
Define the terms: anti-Semitic  and fascist.

Option 3:  Answer the following questions. Make sure to use examples from the text to make your answer stronger.

1.    Why were people beginning to worry?
2.    Where were the German officers placed? How di they treat their hosts?
3.    Why were the people of Sighet suddenly jubilant?

Parent Signature___________________________________________

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