Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-26-15

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Collections: Quilt of a Country

*What is the point of this splintered whole? What is the point of a nation in which Arab cabbies chauffeur Jewish passengers through the streets of New York--and in which Jewish cabbies chauffeur Arab passengers… What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to be always on the verge of fisticuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays and straights, left and right, Pole and Chinese and Puerto Rican and Slovenian? Other countries with such divisions have in fact divided into new nations with new names, but not this one, impossibly interwoven even in its hostilities.

**What is the point of this splintered whole? What is the point of a nation in which Arab cabbies chauffeur Jewish passengers through the streets of New York--and in which Jewish cabbies chauffeur Arab passengers… What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to be always on the verge of fisticuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays…Pole and Chinese and Puerto Rican and Slovenian? Other countries with such divisions have … divided into new nations with new names, but not this one… interwoven even in its hostilities.

***What is the point of this splintered whole*? What is the point of a nation in which Arab cabbies chauffeur  (driver) Jewish passengers through the streets of New York--and in which Jewish cabbies chauffeur Arab passengers… What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to be always on the verge of fisticuffs  (very close to fighting) with another, blacks and whites, …Pole and Chinese…? Other countries with such divisions have … divided into new nations (countries) with new names, but not this one… (USA).

Option 1: According to this passage, is it possible for people of different backgrounds and beliefs to get along in our country?  Write a one-paragraph answer and give examples from the reading to make your point stronger.

Option 2: In your opinion, is it worth it to always have to go about your business and ignore people you don’t agree with? What do people need to do to get along?  

Option 3: *Think of a splintered whole as many different parts gathered in one place.  Think of it like a mixed salad, for example.

11.List one example that shows that people have a hard time getting along.

22. What has happened to other nations that have such divisions?

Option 1, 2, or 3: Bonus question: 

How can a salad bowl and America be compared? What do they have in common? 


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