Wednesday, January 27, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-27-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Collections: Rescue

*Despite the indifference of most Europeans and the collaboration of others in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust, individuals in every European country and from all religious backgrounds risked their lives to help Jews. Rescue efforts ranged from the isolated actions of individuals to organized networks both small and large.
Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust presented a host of difficulties. The Allied prioritization of "winning the war" and the lack of access to those who needed rescue hampered major rescue operations. Individuals willing to help Jews in danger faced severe consequences if they were caught…\, hostility towards Jews among non-Jewish populations, especially in eastern Europe, was a … obstacle to rescue. Rescue took many forms.

** Despite the indifference of most Europeans and the collaboration of others in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust, individuals in every European country and from all religious backgrounds risked their lives to help Jews. Rescue efforts ranged from the… actions of individuals to organized networks both small and large.
Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust presented a host of difficulties….Individuals willing to help Jews in danger faced severe consequences if they were caught…hostility towards Jews among non-Jewish populations, especially in eastern Europe, was a … obstacle to rescue. Rescue took many forms.

*** Despite the indifference (not caring) of most Europeans and the collaboration (the help) of others in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust, individuals in every European country and from all religious backgrounds risked their lives to help Jews. ..
Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust presented a host (many) of difficulties….Individuals willing to help Jews in danger faced severe (really bad) consequences if they were caught…especially in eastern Europe, was a … obstacle (something that gets in the way) to rescue.

Option 1: According to the passage and image, who helped the victims of the Holocaust? What risks did the people who helped took? Why was is so difficult to rescue the victims?  Give examples from the text to support responses.

Option 2:
1.What does indifference and collaboration mean?
2. What kind of people helped the victims of the Holocaust?
3. What would happen to them if they got caught?
4. Write about a situation where you or someone you know wanted to help someone but was afraid to?

Option 3:
1.     1. What kind of people helped the victims of the Holocaust?
2.     2. Why do you think some people maybe did not help the victims of the Holocaust?

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