Tuesday, January 19, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-19-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic: Our theme this month is Nation of Diversity. In addition to reading Night, we have also been discussing diversity in America.  Today we discussed how diversity makes our country stronger.   

*Salad is always falling apart, and you can almost never get all of the ingredients, in just the right proportions, into your mouth at the same time. Imagine the oversized modern salad bar, with multiple kinds of lettuces and vegetables, but also seeds and nuts, tuna salad, slices of chicken or ham, bean salad, hard-boiled eggs, crackers and popcorn, along with choice of soup and dessert. It misses what is cohesive and distinctive about America to see the country as a long buffet of ingredients, which we all choose to exclude or include according to our transient appetites of day.
My own suggestion is that America is chocolate fondue. Our different cultural and ethnic backgrounds are the strawberries, pineapple, and cherries, the graham crackers and cookies, the pound cake and brownies, the rice crispy treats and marshmallows, the popcorn and the peppermint sticks. Then we are dipped in America. We swim in America. We are coated in America. Because Americans can and do come from all ethnicities and races, we all look like Americans.

Which metaphor do you think describes America best: A salad bowl or chocolate fondue. State your opinion first. Then state two reasons to support your opinion.

**Salad is always falling apart, and you can almost never get all of the ingredients…into your mouth at the same time. Imagine the oversized modern salad bar, with multiple kinds of lettuces and vegetables, but also seeds and nuts… along with choice of soup and dessert.
It misses what is …distinctive about America to see the country as a long buffet of ingredients…to exclude or include according to our transient appetites of day.
…America is chocolate fondue. Our different cultural and ethnic backgrounds are the strawberries, pineapple, and cherries… and cookies, the pound cake and brownies, … popcorn and the peppermint sticks. Then we are dipped in America. We swim in America. We are coated in America. Because Americans can and do come from all ethnicities and races, we all look like Americans.


Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “Because Americans can and do come from all ethnicities and races, we all look like Americans.”
Write at least 3-4 sentences. State your opinion. Give one reason why you don’t agree, Then 2 reason why you agree.

***Salad is always falling apart, and you can almost never get all of the ingredients…into your mouth at the same time. Imagine the…modern salad bar, with multiple kinds of lettuces and vegetables, but also seeds and nuts, tuna salad, slices of chicken or ham….along with choice of soup and dessert. It misses what is …distinctive about America to see the country as a long buffet of ingredients…
…America is chocolate fondue. Our different cultural and ethnic backgrounds are the strawberries, pineapple, and cherries, the graham crackers and cookies…the popcorn and the peppermint sticks. Then we are dipped in America. We swim in America. …. Because Americans can and do come from all ethnicities and races, we all look like Americans.


1.List one problem with salads.

2.What is wrong with seeing America  as a long buffet of ingredients?

3.According to the author, what is America?

4. Do you agree with the author? Explain why.

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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