Monday, January 25, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-25-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, Please assist your child with today's homework.

Please note: the image referred to in today's homework is available in the Homework hard copy handed to students today.

*From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth as a special audience for its propaganda messages. … Millions of German young people were won over to Nazism in the classroom and through extracurricular activities. In January 1933, the Hitler Youth had only 50,000 members, but by the end of the year … had increased to more than 2 million. By 1936 membership in the Hitler Youth increased to 5.4 million before it became mandatory in 1939. The German authorities then prohibited or dissolved competing youth organizations.

1. Describe the image below.  Use vocabulary words from above in your response.

2. Why did the Nazis target the German youth?

3. How did the Nazis win over the German youth?

4/ How did the Hitler youth membership change from 1936 to 1939?

5. Today we learned the meaning of the word propaganda.  Is propaganda something that is used today? Explain how.

Hitler’s Youth

**From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth … for its propaganda messages. … Millions of German young people were won over to Nazism in the classroom … In January 1933, the Hitler Youth had only 50,000 members, but by the end of the year … had increased to more than 2 million. By 1936 membership in the Hitler Youth increased to 5.4 million before it became mandatory in 1939. The German authorities then prohibited … competing youth organizations.

1. Describe the image below.  Use vocabulary words from above in your response.

2. What does propaganda mean?

3. Why do you think Hitler targeted German youth for his propaganda messages?

4. Describe how membership changed between 1933 and 1939?

5. How did Germany stop other organizations from competing with Hitler’s Youth?

Hitler’s Youth

***From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth … for its propaganda messages. … Millions of German young people were won over to Nazism in the classroom … In January 1933, the Hitler Youth had only 50,000 members, but by the end of the year … increased to more than 2 million. By 1936 membership in the Hitler Youth increased to 5.4 million before it became mandatory in 1939….

1.     Describe the image below. 

2.     Based on what you read, who are these children?

3.     How many members did Hitler’s Youth have in 1933? 

4.     How many in 1939?

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