Wednesday, January 6, 2016

HW Mr.Padilla 1-6-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:

¨The door of the car slid aside. A German officer stepped in accompanied by a Hungarian lieutenant, acting as his interpreter. "From this moment on, you are under the authority of the23German Army. Anyone who still owns gold, silver, or watches must hand them over now. Anyone who will be found to have kept any of these will be shot on the spot. Secondly, anyone who is ill should report to the hospital car. That's all.” The Hungarian lieutenant went around with a basket and retrieved the last possessions from those who chose not to go on tasting the bitterness of fear. "There are eighty of you in the car," the German officer added. "If anyone goes missing, you will all be shot, like dogs.”

¨Write a paragraph in which you respond to this question:

¨1. What do you think this line means?

¨“…retrieved the last possessions from those who chose not to go on tasting the bitterness of fear. ”

Option 2:

¨The door of the car slid aside. A German officer stepped in …. "From this moment on, you are under the authority of the 23German Army. Anyone who still owns gold, silver, or watches must hand them over now. Anyone who will be found to have kept any of these will be shot on the spot. Secondly, anyone who is ill should report to the hospital car. That's all.”

¨The … lieutenant went around with a basket and retrieved the last possessions from those who chose not to go on tasting the bitterness of fear.

¨"There are eighty of you in the car," the German officer added. "If anyone goes missing, you will all be shot, like dogs."

1. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of this paragraph. Bear in mind the five W’s.  To help you be brief, pretend you are talking to a person who does not know anything about this topic. (don’t try to be fancy, just write as you would speak).

Option 3:

¨The door of the car slid aside. A German officer stepped in …. "From this moment on, you are under the authority of the …German Army. Anyone who still owns gold, silver, or watches must hand them over now. Anyone …found to have kept any of these will be shot on the spot. …anyone who is ill should report to the hospital car. That's all.”

¨The … lieutenant went around with a basket and retrieved the last possessions from those who chose not to go on tasting the bitterness of fear.

¨"There are eighty of you in the car," the German officer added. "If anyone goes missing, you will all be shot, like dogs.”

¨1. Who stepped into the train?

¨2. What did the deportees being asked for?

¨3. What threat was made for those who hid thee valuables?

¨4. What was the final threat made?

Parent signature_____________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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