Monday, January 11, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 1-11-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assit your child with today’s homework.  

Today we learned about how sometimes the bad things that happen in the world help bring humans closer to each other.  We read an article called Quilt of a Country and discussed how the events of 9/11 changed the world, very much how WWII changed the world.

* Tolerance is the word used …when …coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for …letting others live unremarked and unmolested.
…But patriotism is partly taking pride in this … ability to throw all of us together in a country that …is as different as a dozen countries…
When photographs of the faces of all those who died in the World Trade Center destruction are assembled in one place, it will be possible to trace in the skin color, the shape of the eyes and the noses, …a map of the world.
These are the representatives of a mongrel nation that …, at times like this, has one spirit.
Like many improbable ideas, when it actually works, it's a wonder.

** Tolerance is the word used …when …coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for …letting others live unmolested.
…But patriotism is …taking pride in this … ability to throw all of us together in a country that …is as different as a dozen countries…
When photographs of the faces of all those who died in the World Trade Center … are assembled in one place, it will be possible to trace in the skin color, the shape of the eyes and the noses, …a map of the world.
These are the representatives of a… nation that …, at times like this, has one spirit.
Like many improbable ideas, when it actually works, it's a wonder.

*** Tolerance is the word used …when …coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for …letting others live unmolested.
…But patriotism is …taking pride in this … ability to throw all of us together in a country that …is as different as a dozen countries…
When photographs of the faces of all those who died in the World Trade Center … are assembled in one place, it will be possible to trace in the skin color, the shape of the eyes and the noses, …a map of the world.
… a… nation that …, like this, has one spirit.
Like many … ideas, when it actually works, it's a wonder.

Option 1: Base response on today’s lesson and reading.
Today we learned about tolerance. Do you believe tolerance is enough to help solve the problems of the world? Or do we need to do more than just “tolerating” others to make the world a better place?  

Write a paragraph discussing your view.
Option 2:  Compare and contrast 9/11 and WWII. What did these 2 events have in common and how were they different. You may use a Venn Diagram to organize your thoughts.

Option 3: Base responses on today’s reading and what you remember from today’s lesson.

1.     What does patriotism mean?
2.     What is possible when a photograph of all the faces of those who died during 9/11 are assembled in one place?

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