Thursday, October 6, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 10.6.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

 Option 1 :  Read quote by Curley’s wife as she talks to the farmers and answer questions that follow.

"Awright," she said …..You…bums think you're so damn good. …ya think I am, a kid?
1.                 What does Curley’s wife call the farmers?

2.                 What does she ask them?

 I tell ya I could of went with shows. …An' a guy tol' me he could put me in pitchers* (the movies)…"

3.                 Where could Curley’s wife have gone?

…Ever'body out doin' som'pin'. Ever'body! An' what am I doin'? Standin' here talkin' to a bunch of …stiffs—a “n…” an' a dum-dum…

5. Do you think Curley’s wife sounds upset? Why do you think this?

Option 2: Read quote by Curley’s wife as she talks to the farmers and answer questions that follow.

"Awright," she said ….. "Awright, cover 'im up if ya wanta. Whatta I care? You…bums think you're so damn good. Whatta ya think I am, a kid? I tell ya I could of went with shows. Not jus' one, neither. An' a guy tol' me he could put me in pitchers…" She was breathless…. "—Sat'iday night. Ever'body out doin' som'pin'. Ever'body! An' what am I doin'? Standin' here talkin' to a bunch of …stiffs—a “n…” an' a dum-dum and a lousy ol' sheep—an' likin' it because they ain't nobody else.

1. Who do you think Curely’s wife is talking to?

2. How do you know who she is talking to? Quote the line from the reading.

3. What is her tone? Is she upset? How do you know? 

4. If she is upset, what is she upset about?

Option 3: Read quote by Curley’s wife as she talks to the farmers and answer questions that follow.

"Awright," she said contemptuously. "Awright, cover 'im up if ya wanta. Whatta I care? You bindle bums think you're so damn good. Whatta ya think I am, a kid? I tell ya I could of went with shows. Not jus' one, neither. An' a guy tol' me he could put me in pitchers…" She was breathless with indignation. "—Sat'iday night. Ever'body out doin' som'pin'. Ever'body! An' what am I doin'? Standin' here talkin' to a bunch of bindle stiffs—a  “n…” an' a dum-dum and a lousy ol' sheep—an' likin' it because they ain't nobody else.
Base respond on today’s lesson, reading, class discussion and film.
Write a paragraph explaining why Curley’s wife is saying the things she is saying.  Think about her American Dream.

What do you think her dream was?

Who is she speaking to? How do you know?

Did it come true?

How does she feel now?

Parent signature______________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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