Tuesday, October 25, 2016

HW. Mr. Padilla 10.25.16

Homework: Dear Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework: 
 Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. 

Workers like Lennie and George have no family, no home, and very little control over their lives. 
1.   What do Lennie and George not have?

Candy said, “I’m not much good with only one hand.  I lost my hand right here on this ranch.  How about I go in with you guys? I’ll put in 350 dollars.”

2.   What happened to Candy? 

3. What does Candy want?

“They’ll fire me as soon as I can’t clean the bunkhouses. You seen what they did to my dog? They said he wasn’t no good to himself or nobody else.”

4.   Why does Candy want to share their dream?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Workers like Lennie and George have no family, no home, and very little control over their lives.  Their perfect world is where they can be independent.

Candy said, “I’m not much good with only one hand.  I lost my hand right here on this ranch.  How about I go in with you guys? I’ll put in 350 dollars.”

“They’ll fire me as soon as I can’t clean the bunkhouses. You seen what they did to my dog? They said he wasn’t no good to himself or nobody else.”
“I should have shot that dog, myself George.  I shouldn’t have let a stranger shoot my own dog.”

1.   Describe George and Lennie’s dream. (In complete sentences and with details from the text)

2.   How much money do they need to save?

3.   Who wants to share their dream?

4.   Why does this person want to share the dream?

 Option 3:

   Short answer: In a five sentence paragraph, answer the following question. 
Is the American Dream possible in the context of this novel?  Why or why not?
What is YOUR American Dream? What will you need to do to make this happen? How can others close to you support you? 

Espanol: Lea el pasaje y contestar las preguntas que siguen.

Trabajadores como Lennie y George están sin familia, sin hogar, y muy poco control sobre sus vidas. Su mundo perfecto es donde pueden ser independientes.

Caramelo dijo: "No soy muy bueno con una sola mano. He perdido mi mano derecha aquí en este rancho. ¿Qué tal voy con ustedes? Voy a poner en 350 dólares ".

"Me van a disparar tan pronto como no puedo limpiar los barracones. ¿Has visto lo que le hicieron a mi perro? Se dijo que no era nada bueno para él o para nadie más ".

"Debería haber disparado al perro, yo George. No debería haber dejado que un extraño tiro a mi propio perro ".

1. Describir George y Lennie sueño. (En oraciones completas y con detalles del texto)

2. ¿Cuánto dinero se necesita para ahorrar?

3. ¿Quién quiere compartir su sueño?

4. ¿Por qué esta persona quiere compartir el sueño?

Parent Signature_________________________________ 

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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