Tuesday, October 18, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 10.18.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:  Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.  Write complete sentences and cite evidence from the text to support your answers.

…this teenage girl, who had lost her shoes …on the first day, saved herself; the other survivors took the same eleven days to sit down and die…
1.   What did the girl do?
2.   What did the other survivors do?
The … mystery of survival is how one… seventeen- year old girl gets out alive and a dozen adults … do not…
3. What is the mystery of survival?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.  Write complete sentences and cite evidence from the text to support your answers.

Tough and clearheaded, this teenage girl, who had lost her shoes …on the first day, saved herself; the other survivors took the same eleven days to sit down and die…
The knottiest mystery of survival is how one unequipped, ill-prepared seventeen- year old girl gets out alive and a dozen adults … better equipped, do not…
Although we cannot know what the others who survived the fall were thinking and deciding…they knew they were supposed to stay put and await rescue. They were rule followers, and it killed them.

1.     How is Julianne described?
2.     What happened to the other survivals while Julianne saved herself?
3.     What is the knottiest mystery of survival?
4.     According to the author, what killed the other survivors?

Option 3:  Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.  Write complete sentences and cite evidence from the text to support your answers.

Tough and clearheaded, this teenage girl, who had lost her shoes (not to mention her mother) on the first day, saved herself; the other survivors took the same eleven days to sit down and die…
The knottiest mystery of survival is how one unequipped, ill-prepared seventeen year old girl gets out alive and a dozen adults in similar circumstances, better equipped, do not…
Although we cannot know what the others who survived the fall were thinking and deciding…they knew they were supposed to stay put and await rescue. They were rule followers, and it killed them.
1.     From the beginning of Julianne’s story, how were the odds against her?
2.     While Julianne followed the river for eleven days, what did the others do?
3.     How badly prepared was Julianne to survive?
4.     What is the knottiest mystery?
5.     What led to the others death?
Opción 2: Lea el pasaje y conteste las preguntas que siguen. Escribe oraciones completas y cite evidencia del texto para apoyar tus respuestas.

Resistente y lúcida, esta adolescente, que había perdido sus zapatos ... en el primer día, se salvó; los otros supervivientes tomaron los mismos once días para sentarse y morir ...
El misterio de supervivencia es cómo una nina no equipada, mal preparada y  de diecisiete años sale viva y una docena de adultos ... mejor equipados, no ...
Aunque no podemos saber lo que los otros que sobrevivieron la caída estaban pensando y decidiendo ... sabían que tenían que quedarse quietos y esperar el rescate. Eran seguidores de reglas, y eso los mato.

1. ¿Cómo se describe a Julianne?
2. ¿Qué pasó con los otros supervivientes, mientras que Julianne se salvó?
3. ¿Cuál es el misterio de la supervivencia?
4. ¿Qué sabían los otros sobrevivientes?

Parent signature_______________________________________

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