Wednesday, October 5, 2016

HE Mr. Padilla 10.5.16

Homework:  Dear parents/guardian, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:  Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Of Mice and Men takes place during America's Great Depression, which lasted from the Stock Market Crash of October 1929 until 12 years later when World War II began.
Lennie and George are best friends on a road trip…of Northern California.... The duo can't hold down jobs for long, thanks to Lennie's childlike mentality and odd fetish for petting things, which includes mice, rabbits, puppies, and women.
George Milton is our hero, a farmworker [with] small, strong hands…
But there's more to him than a smart mouth and quick brain: he may not show it much, but George is a deeply moral, good man.
Lennie Small is big. Unfortunately, that's about all he has going for him—that, and he's got a really good friend.
So, what did Lennie do to deserve a friend like George?

1.            What was happening in America during the time that Of Mice and Men takes place?
2.            What year did the Great Depression end?
3.            Why is it hard for Lennie and George to hold jobs?
4.            How is Lennie described?
5.            How is George described?
6.            Why would someone remain friends with a person that gets him/her into trouble all the time?

Option 2:   Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Of Mice and Men takes place during America's Great Depression, which lasted from the Stock Market Crash of October 1929 until 12 years later when World War II began.
Lennie and George are best friends on a road trip…of Northern California… The duo can't hold down jobs for long, thanks to Lennie's childlike mentality and … for petting things, which includes mice, rabbits, puppies, and women.
George Milton is our hero, a farmworker [with] small, strong hands…
But there's more to him than a smart mouth and quick brain…George is a deeply moral, good man.
Lennie Small is big. Unfortunately, that's about all … and he's got a really good friend.
1.            When does of Mice and Men take place? 
2.            What year did the Great Depression end?
3.            Why is it hard for Lennie and George to hold jobs?
4.            How is Lennie described?
5.            How is George described?

Option 3: Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Of Mice and Men takes place during America's Great Depression.
1.            When does Of Mice and Men take place?

Lennie and George are best friends on a road trip…of Northern California…
2.            Who are Lennie and George?

The duo (the 2 friends) can't hold down jobs for long, thanks to Lennie's childlike mentality…

3.            Why can’t the duo hold down jobs?

Lennie…likes petting things, which includes mice, rabbits, puppies, and women.

4.            What does Lennie like to pet?

Espanol:: Lea el pasaje y conteste las siguientes preguntas:

De ratones y hombres tiene lugar durante la Gran Depresión de los Estados Unidos, que duró desde el desplome de la bolsa en octubre de 1929, hasta 12 años más tarde, cuando comenzó la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Lennie y George son mejores amigos en un viaje por carretera ... del norte de California ... El dúo no pueden mantener un trabajo por mucho tiempo, gracias a la mentalidad de Lennie infantil…le gusta tocar cosas, que incluye ratones, conejos, perros, y las mujeres.
George Milton es nuestro héroe, un trabajador agrícola [con] las manos pequeñas y fuertes ...
Pero hay más en él que una boca inteligente y rápidez del cerebro ... George es un buen hombre y profundamente moral.
Lennie Small es grande. Por desgracia, eso es todo ... Y tiene un muy buen amigo.

1. ¿Durante que época toma lugar la historia?
2. ¿En qué año terminó la Gran Depresión?
3. ¿Por qué es difícil para Lennie y George para mantener puestos de trabajo?
4. ¿Cómo se describe a Lennie?
5. ¿Cómo se describe a George?

Parent Signature_____________________________________________

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