Friday, October 14, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 10.14.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Collections: Deep Survival

Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions below: Read the passage and answer the questions below: 
… the others who had lived through the fall decided to await rescue, which is not … a bad idea...
1.    What did the other survivors do?
 But expecting someone else to take responsibility for your well-being can be fatal.
2.    What can be fatal?
Juliane had nothing except a few pieces of candy and small cakes.  She had no survival equipment, no tools, no compass or map…
4.    What did Juliane have?
5.    What did she not have?

Option 2:  Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Meanwhile, the others who had lived through the fall decided to await rescue, which is not … a bad idea either. But expecting someone else to take responsibility for your well-being can be fatal. In Alive, Piers Paul Reid tells the story of the survivors of another airplane crash… in the Andes. Everyone who survived the crash stayed put, assuming they’d be rescued. Many died; the others wound up eating each other to keep from starving…
Juliane had nothing except a few pieces of candy and small cakes.  She had no survival equipment, no tools, no compass or map…
1.    What did other survivors do? 
2.    What can be fatal? 
3.    What is the story Alive about?
4.    What happened to the passengers of the Alive plane?
5.    Was Juliane prepared for survival? Was she prepared enough? Give examples to show your answer.

Option 3:  Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Meanwhile, the others who had lived through the fall decided to await rescue, which is not necessarily a bad idea either. But expecting someone else to take responsibility for your well-being can be fatal. In Alive, Piers Paul Reid tells the story of the survivors of another airplane crash, this one in the Andes. Everyone who survived the crash stayed put, assuming they’d be rescued. Many died; the others wound up eating each other to keep from starving before someone finally walked out and found help.
Juliane had nothing except a few pieces of candy and small cakes.  She had no survival equipment, no tools, no compass or map—none of the things I’d been taught to use in survival school.
1.    What did others do as Juliane prepared to follow the river?
2.    What is the problem with waiting for others to take responsibility for you?
3.    What is the story Alive about?
4.    What happened to the passengers of the Alive plane?
5.    How was Juliane prepared for survival? Was she prepared enough?
Lea el pasaje y contestar las siguientes preguntas: Lea el pasaje y contestar las siguientes preguntas:
Mientras tanto, los otros que habían sobrevivido a la caída decidieron esperar el rescate, que no es ... una mala idea tampoco. Pero esperando a otra persona para asumir la responsabilidad de su bienestar puede ser fatal. En la película Alive, Piers Paul Reid cuenta la historia de los supervivientes del accidente aéreo ... en los Andes. Cada uno que sobrevivió al accidente se quedó donde estaba, suponiendo que serian rescatados. Muchos murieron; los demás terminaron de comerse unos a otros para no morir de hambre ...
Juliane no tenía más que unas pocas piezas de dulces y pasteles pequeños. Ella no tenía equipo de supervivencia, sin herramientas, sin brújula ni mapa ...
1. ¿Qué hicieron otros sobrevivientes?
2. ¿Qué puede ser fatal?
3. ¿De que se trata la historia Alive?
4. ¿Qué sucedió a los pasajeros del avión Alive?
Parent signature_______________________________

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