Monday, October 17, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 10.17.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Student IEP Goal:

Option 3:  Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. You must write complete sentences and cite the text to support your responses.
Julianne set off, resting through the heat of the day and traveling during the cooler periods. She walked for eleven days through dense jungle while being literally eaten alive by leeches and strange tropical insects, which bored into her, laid their eggs, and produced worms that hatched and tunneled out through her skin.
Eventually she came to a hut along the banks of the river she’d been following.  She…collapsed inside. There is always a lot of chance involved in a survival situation, both good luck and bad luck.  It was Juliane’s good fortune that three hunters turned up the next day and delivered her to a local doctor.  But, as Louis Pasteur said, “luck favors the prepared mind.”
1.         How did Julianne organize her travel?
2.         What did she have to go through while travelling?
3.         What happened before she collapsed?
4.         How was Julianne lucky?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. You must write complete sentences and cite the text to support your responses.
Julianne set off, resting through the heat of the day and traveling during the cooler periods. She walked for eleven days through dense jungle while being …eaten alive by leeches and strange tropical insects, which… laid their eggs, and produced worms that hatched and tunneled out through her skin.
Eventually she came to a hut along the banks of the river she’d been following.  She…collapsed inside. There is always a lot of chance involved in a survival situation, both good luck and bad luck.  It was Juliane’s good fortune that three hunters turned up the next day and delivered her to a local doctor.  But, as Louis Pasteur said, “luck favors the prepared mind.”

1.         Describe how Juliane travelled?
2.         How many days did she travel and what happened to her along the way?
3.         Where did the river lead her and what happened there?

Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. You must write complete sentences and cite the text to support your responses.

Julianne set off, resting through the heat of the day and traveling during the cooler periods.
1. When did Juliane rest? When did she travel?

 She walked for eleven days through dense jungle while being …eaten alive by leeches and strange tropical insects…

2. How many days did she walk?

… three hunters turned up the next day and delivered her to a local doctor. 

3. What happened three days later?

Espanol:  Lea el pasaje y conteste las preguntas que siguen. Debe escribir oraciones completas y citar el texto para apoyar sus respuestas.
Julianne se puso en marcha, descansando a través del calor del día y viajaba durante los períodos más fríos. Caminó durante once días a través de la densa selva... mientras tanto las sanguijuelas y los insectos tropicales extraños se la comian viva…
Finalmente llegó a una cabaña a lo largo de las orillas del río que había estado siguiendo. Ella ... se derrumbó en el interior. Siempre hay un montón de chance involucrado en una situación de supervivencia, tanto la buena suerte y la mala suerte. Fue buena suerte para Juliane que tres cazadores se presentaron al día siguiente y la entregaron a un médico local. Pero, como dijo Louis Pasteur, "la suerte favorece a la mente preparada."
1. Describe cómo viajó Juliane?
2. ¿Cuántos días viajo y que le ocurrió a lo largo del camino?
3. ¿A dónde la condujo el río que sucedió allí?

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