Sunday, November 1, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 11-6-15


This Month’s we will read and study the novel “The Outsiders.”  The main theme will be social divide, as this is a story of two groups, one rich and one poor. It is also a story of friendship, loyalty and love between brothers and friends.

 Please assist your child with today’s homework. There are three options listed below. Your child is to choose one option question/task.  Each tasks relates to what we learned and discussed in class. 
Please contact me if you have any questions:


Read pages: 21-30
Today we learned about “youth culture”(the way young people live and the norms and values that they share). We also discussed the idea of “other.” What makes us different than “others” and why we create “others”.

Option 1: Explain in your own words what youth culture means. Do you agree that young people have their own way of doing things that is different to older people? Explain.  So far, which group of kids do you think you have more in common with, the greasers or the socs? Explain why?

Option 2: Summarize in a sentence or two what the term: “others” mean.  Imagine that you are a greaser or a soc. Then write two or more sentences describing what you do not like about the other group. For example, if you are a greaser you may talk about how pretentious they are, etc. mention examples from the novel

Option 3: You want to make a collection of items that are important to you and a collection of items that are important to your parents.  You get 2 boxes so that one day your future grandchildren can see and touch the things that you and your parents value.  Draw 2 boxes and fill each one with the items that you value and the other with objects your parent’s value.  Name your box youth culture and your parent’s box “the other’s culture. 

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