Sunday, November 1, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 11-5-15


This Month’s we will read and study the novel “The Outsiders.”  The main theme will be social divide, as this is a story of two groups, one rich and one poor. It is also a story of friendship, loyalty and love between brothers and friends.

 Please assist your child with today’s homework. There are three options listed below. Your child is to choose one option question/task.  Each tasks relates to what we learned and discussed in class. 
Please contact me if you have any questions:

11- 5-15

Read pages 11-20.

Today we learned about generation labels.  The Outsiders takes place during the Baby Boomer generation.  The Socs gang are rich children. They are part of the Baby Boomer generation (the generation of children born after World War II. We also Generation Z (the generation of children born in the 90’s and now). 

Option 1:  Write a paragraph in which you compare and contrast Generation Z to the Baby Boomer generation. Explain what a generation is. Which generation do the characters of the novel belong to? Which generation do you belong to? What is similar about these two groups? What is different?

Option 2: We discussed two different generations: the Baby and Generation Z. Do you agree that everyone born during a generation acts the same? For  example, do the Greasers and Socs fit the description of Babyboomers?  Do you fit the description of a Generation Z young person? Why or why not?

Option 3: Draw a poster that shows the difference between generation Babyboomer and generation Z.  Draw a T chart. Name one side Babyboomers and the other Z.  Draw images or list items that members of these generations might own or wear. 

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