Monday, November 16, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 11-16-15

Parents/guardians: Please assist your child with today's homework. Choose one reading option below and one task option. 

*I HAD NEARLY forgotten that Cherry was listening to me. But when I came
back to reality and looked at her, I was startled to find her as white as a sheet.
"All Socs aren't like that," she said. "You have to believe me, Ponyboy. Not all of
us are like that."
"Sure," I said.
"That's like saying all you greasers are like Dallas Winston. I'll bet he's jumped a
few people."
I digested that. It was true. Dally had jumped people. He had told us stories about
muggings in New York that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. But not all of us were that bad. Cherry no longer looked sick, only sad. "I'll bet you think the Socs have it made. The rich kids, the West side Socs. I'll tell you something, Ponyboy, and it may come as a surprise. We have troubles you've never even heard of. You want to know something?"  She looked me straight in the eye. "Things are rough all over."

**I HAD NEARLY forgotten that Cherry was listening to me. But when I came
… to reality and looked at her, I was startled to find her as white as a sheet.
"All Socs aren't like that," she said. "… believe me, Ponyboy. Not all of us are like that."
"Sure," I said.
"That's like saying all you greasers are like Dallas Winston. I'll bet he's jumped a
few people."
… It was true. Dally had jumped people. He had told us stories about
muggings in New York that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. But not all of us were that bad. Cherry no longer looked sick, only sad. "I'll bet you think the Socs have it made. The rich kids, the West side Socs. I'll tell you something, Ponyboy… We have troubles you've never even heard of. You want to know something?"  She looked me straight in the eye. "Things are rough all over."

***I HAD NEARLY forgotten that Cherry was listening to me. But when I came
… to reality …I was startled to find her as white as a sheet.
"All Socs aren't like that," she said. "… believe me, Ponyboy. Not all of us are like that."
"Sure," I said.
"That's like saying all you greasers are like Dallas Winston. I'll bet he's jumped a
few people."
… It was true. Dally had jumped people. He had told us stories about
muggings in New York … But not all of us were that bad. Cherry no longer looked sick, only sad. "I'll bet you think the Socs have it made. The rich kids, the West side Socs. I'll tell you something, Ponyboy… We have troubles you've never even heard of. You want to know something?...Things are rough all over."

Sometimes all we know about someone else is based on what we see or what we were taught to see.  We judge people based on how they look and act and by who their friends are.
Option 1:   Write a paragraph in which you discuss what makes the Socs and Greasers different to each other?  Do you think their differences are a good reason for them not to get along? Explain. Use examples from the reading.

Option 2: base responses on the reading:
1.     What did Ponyboy almost forget and what startled him?
2.     What does Cherry say about Dallas?
3.     Do you think what she says is true? How do you know?

Option 3: Cherry says that:”Things are rough all over.” What is she talking about when she says this? Do you agree that things are rough all over? Or do some have it better than others? Back up your answer with examples from the novel and real life.

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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