Sunday, November 8, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 11-10-15

Chose one of the three modified readings to read. Then choose one of the three option tasks to complete.

* I wouldn't have felt so embarrassed if they had been greasy girls. I might even have helped old Dallas. But those two girls weren't our kind. They were tuff looking girls dressed sharp and really good-looking. They looked about sixteen or seventeen. One had short dark hair, and the other had long red hair. The redhead was getting mad, or scared. She sat up straight and she was chewing hard on her gum. The other one pretended not to hear Dally. Dally was getting impatient. He put his feet up on the back
of the redhead's chair, winked at me, and beat his own record for saying something dirty. She turned around and gave him a cool stare. "Take your feet off my chair and shut your trap."

Boy, she was good-looking. I'd seen her before; she was a cheerleader at our school. I'd always thought she was stuck up. Dally … looked at her and kept his feet where they were.

"Who's gonna make me?"

The other one …watched us.

"That's the greaser that jockeys for the Slash J sometime," she said, as if we couldn't hear her. I had heard the same tone a million times: "Greaser... greaser... greaser."

** I wouldn't have felt so embarrassed if they had been greasy girls. I might even have helped …Dallas. But those two girls weren't our kind. They were tuff looking girls dressed sharp and really good-looking. They looked about sixteen or seventeen. One had short dark hair, and the other had long red hair. The redhead was getting mad, or scared. She sat up … and she was chewing hard on her gum. The other one pretended not to hear Dally. Dally was getting impatient. He put his feet up on the back of the redhead's chair… and beat his own record for saying something dirty. She turned around and gave him a cool stare. "Take your feet off my chair and shut your trap."

Boy, she was good-looking. I'd seen her before; she was a cheerleader at our school. I'd always thought she was stuck up. Dally … looked at her and kept his feet where they were.

"Who's gonna make me?"

The other one …watched us.

"That's the greaser that jockeys … sometime," she said, as if we couldn't hear her. I had heard the same tone a million times: "Greaser... greaser... greaser."

*** I wouldn't have felt …embarrassed if they had been greasy girls. I might even have helped …Dallas. But those two girls …were tuff looking girls dressed sharp and really good-looking. They looked about sixteen or seventeen. One had short dark hair, and the other had long red hair. The redhead was getting mad, or scared… and she was chewing hard on her gum. The other one pretended not to hear Dally. Dally …put his feet up on the back of the redhead's chair… and beat his own record for saying something dirty. She turned around and gave him a cool stare. "Take your feet off my chair and shut your trap."

Boy, she was good-looking… she was a cheerleader at our school. I'd always thought she was stuck up. Dally … looked at her and kept his feet where they were.

"Who's gonna make me?"

The other one …watched us.

"That's the greaser…," she said, as if we couldn't hear her. I had heard the same tone a million times: "Greaser... greaser... greaser."

Option 1: Today we learned about how appearances are important.  We talked about how the greasers dressed and how the Soc’s dressed. We also talked about how people we know and see around us dress.  Should people choose who to be friends with based on the way they dress? Why or why not? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give examples from the book.

Option 2:  Pretend you  were a teenager attending the same school as Ponyboy, Cherry, and the rest of the greasers and Socs. Which group would you like to be a part of and why? Explain what you would have to do to fit into the group that you chose.  

Option 3: Answer the following questions from the reading:

1.    Why is Ponyboy embarrassed?

2.    Describe how both girls looked like to Ponyboy?

3.    What was Dally doing to the girls? How did one of the girls react?

4.    How do you think Ponyboy felt when one girl said: “..that’s the greaser…” ? (Give an example from the reading to back up your answer).

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