Thursday, November 12, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 11-12-15

Choose a reading level and one task option to complete for homework.

Today we discussed how Ponyboy feels about the way other people talk about greasers. 

We also learned about the theme of gold in The Outsiders.  We touched upon the history of gold and why it so valuable to humans. Tomorrow we will read the poem Nothing Gold Stays by Robert Frost.  

Tomorrow students will be asked to answer the question: What does it mean to stay gold?

Pg 24-26
* [….] I had heard the same tone a million times: "Greaser... greaser... greaser." Oh yeah, I had heard that tone before too many times. What are they doing at a drive-in without a car? …
"You'd better leave us alone," the redhead said in a biting voice, "or I'll call the cops."
"Oh, my, my" Dally looked bored "you've got me scared to death. You ought to see my record sometime, baby." He grinned slyly, "Guess what I've been in for?"

"Please leave us alone," she said. "Why don't you be nice and leave us alone?"

Dally grinned roguishly. "I'm never nice. Want a Coke?"

She was mad by then. "I wouldn't drink it if I was starving in the desert. Get lost, hood!" Dally merely shrugged and strolled off. The girl looked at me. I was half scared of her. I'm half scared of all nice girls, especially Socs. "Are you going to start in on us?"

I shook my head, wide eyed. "No."
Suddenly she smiled. Gosh, she was pretty. "You don't look the type. What's your
name?" …

"Ponyboy Curtis." Then I waited for the "You're kidding!" or "That's your real name?" or one of the other remarks I usually get. Ponyboy's my real name and personally I like it. The redhead just smiled.

"That's an original and lovely name."

…I said. "I've got a brother named Sodapop, and it says so on his birth certificate."

"My name's Sherri, but I'm called Cherry because of my hair. Cherry Valance."

"I know," I said. "You're a cheerleader. We go to the same school."

"You don't look old enough to be going to high school," the dark haired girl said.

"I'm not. I got put up a year in grade school."

Cherry was looking at me. "What's a nice, smart kid like you running around with trash like that for?" I felt myself stiffen.

"I'm a grease, same as Dally. He's my buddy."
"I'm sorry, Ponyboy," she said softly.

Pg 24-26

** [….] I had heard the same tone a million times: "Greaser... greaser... greaser." Oh yeah,…What are they doing at a drive-in without a car? …

"You'd better leave us alone," the redhead said…, "or I'll call the cops."
"Oh, my, my" Dally looked bored "you've got me scared to death. You ought to see my record sometime, baby." … "Guess what I've been in for?"

… she said. "Why don't you be nice and leave us alone?"

Dally grinned …"I'm never nice. Want a Coke?"

She was mad by then. "I wouldn't drink it if I was starving in the desert. Get lost, hood!" Dally merely shrugged and strolled off. The girl looked at me. I was half scared of her. I'm half scared of all nice girls, especially Socs. "Are you going to start in on us?"

I shook my head, wide eyed. "No."
Suddenly she smiled. Gosh, she was pretty. "You don't look the type. What's your
name?" …

"Ponyboy Curtis." Then I waited for the "You're kidding!" or "That's your real name?" or one of the other remarks I usually get. …

"That's an original and lovely name."

…I said. "I've got a brother named Sodapop…”

"My name's Sherri, but I'm called Cherry because of my hair. Cherry Valance."

"I know," I said. "You're a cheerleader. We go to the same school."

"You don't look old enough to be going to high school," the dark haired girl said.

"I'm not. I got put up a year in grade school."

Cherry was looking at me. "What's a nice, smart kid like you running around with trash like that for?" I felt myself stiffen.

"I'm a grease, same as Dally. He's my buddy."
"I'm sorry, Ponyboy," she said softly.

Pg 24-26
"You'd better leave us alone," the redhead [Cherry] said…, "or I'll call the cops."

"Oh, my, my" Dally looked bored …

She was mad by then. "…Get lost, hood!" Dally … strolled off. The girl looked at me. I was half scared of her. I'm half scared of all nice girls, especially Socs. "Are you going to start in on us?"

I shook my head, wide eyed. "No."
Suddenly she smiled… she was pretty. "You don't look the type. What's your
name?" …

"Ponyboy Curtis." Then I waited for the … "That's your real name?" or … other remarks I usually get. …

"That's an original and lovely name."

…I said. "I've got a brother named Sodapop…”

"My name's Sherri, but I'm called Cherry because of my hair. Cherry Valance."

"I know," I said. "You're a cheerleader. We go to the same school."

"You don't look old enough to be going to high school," the dark haired girl said.

"I'm not. I got put up a year in grade school."
Cherry was looking at me. "What's a nice, smart kid like you running around with trash like that for?" I felt myself stiffen.
"I'm a grease, same as Dally. He's my buddy."
"I'm sorry, Ponyboy," she said softly. 

Option 1: Today we learned about gold. Where gold is found, why it is valuable, how it is powerful, and how gold is a theme in The Outsiders.  Write a paragraph in which you:
1.    Summarize what you learned about gold.
2.    Discuss the theme of gold in The Outsiders.

Option 2:  Answer the following questions based on the reading:
1.    Why do you think Cherry is mad at Dally?
2.    Why is Ponyboy scared of Cherry?
3.    What does Cherry think of Ponyboy’s name?
4.    How do you think Pony feels when Cherry says: "What's a nice, smart kid like you running around with trash like that for?"

Option 3:  Read the following 2 quotes below.
Quote A:
[….] I had heard the same tone a million times: "Greaser... greaser... greaser." Oh yeah, I had heard that tone before too many times. What are they doing at a drive-in without a car? …

Quote B:
"What's a nice, smart kid like you running around with trash like that for?" I felt myself stiffen.
"I'm a grease, same as Dally. He's my buddy."
"I'm sorry, Ponyboy," she said softly.

How does Ponyboy feel about the things that are being said about Greasers? Explain your answer. Use examples from the text. 

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...