Monday, November 16, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 11-17-15

Parents/guardians: Please assist your child with today's homework. Choose one reading option below and one task option. 

*It seemed funny to me that Socs --if these girls were any example--were just like us. They liked the Beatles and thought Elvis Presley was out, and we thought the Beatles were rank and that Elvis was tuff, but that seemed the only difference to me. Of course greasy girls would have acted a lot tougher, but there was a basic sameness. I thought maybe it was money that separated us.
"No," Cherry said slowly when I said this. "It's not just money. Part of it is, but not all. You greasers have a different set of values. You're more emotional. We're sophisticated---cool to the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is real with us. You know, sometimes I'll catch myself talking to a girlfriend, and realize I don't mean half of what I'm saying. I don't really think a beer blast on the river bottom is super-cool, but I'll rave about one to a girl friend just to be saying something." She smiled at me. "I never told anyone that. I think you're the first person I've ever really gotten through to."

**It seemed funny to me that Socs …were just like us. They liked the Beatles and thought Elvis Presley was out, and we thought the Beatles were rank and that Elvis was tuff, but that seemed the only difference to me. Of course greasy girls would have acted a lot tougher…I thought maybe it was money that separated us.
"No," Cherry said slowly…"It's not just money. Part of it is, but not all. You greasers have a different set of values. You're more emotional. We're sophisticated---cool to the point of not feeling… Nothing is real with us. You know, sometimes I'll catch myself talking… and realize I don't mean half of what I'm saying. I don't really think a beer blast on the river bottom is super-cool, but I'll rave about one to a girl friend just to be saying something." She smiled at me. "I never told anyone that. I think you're the first person I've ever really gotten through to."

***It seemed funny to me that Socs …were just like us. They liked the Beatles and thought Elvis Presley was out, and we thought the Beatles were rank and that Elvis was tuff, but that seemed the only difference to me. Of course greasy girls would have acted a lot tougher…I thought maybe it was money that separated us.
"No," Cherry said slowly…"It's not just money. Part of it is, but not all. You greasers have a different …values. You're more emotional. We're sophisticated---cool to the point of not feeling… Nothing is real with us. You know, sometimes I'll catch myself talking… and realize I don't mean half of what I'm saying. .." She smiled at me. "I never told anyone that. I think you're the first person I've ever really gotten through to."

Today we learned more about social divide and values.  Different groups have different ways of doing things and different tastes.  These differences between social groups often get in the way of people just getting along. 

Option 1: Based on what you have learned, what is different about the Socs and greaser values?  Give an example that shows a greaser value and a Soc value. Use example from the reading. 

Option 2:  Base responses on the reading.
1.     What seemed funny to Ponyboy?
2.     What does Ponyboy say seems like the only difference between Socs and greasers?
3.     Name two things that Cherry thinks separates greasers and Socs.

Option 3:  Ponyboy believes that money separates greasers and Socs.  Do you believe that money is what separates social classes? Or other there other things that separate them? Give your opinion in this matter.  Use examples from real life and examples from The Outsiders.

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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