Friday, July 14, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 7.14.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

Option 3: Collections:  the cyclops

We beached there, and I told the crew
to stand by and keep watch over the ship;
as for myself I took my twelve best fighters
and went ahead. I had a goatskin full
of that sweet liquor that Euanthes  son,
Maron, had given me. ..
and then this liquor  twelve two-handled jars
of brandy, pure and fiery…
No man turned away
when cups of this came round.
but still the sweet scent hovered like a fume…
We climbed, then, briskly to the cave. But Cyclops
had gone afield, to pasture his fat sheep,
so we looked round at everything inside:
a drying rack that sagged with cheeses, pens
crowded with lambs and kids, each in its class:
firstlings apart from middlings, and the  dewdrops,
or newborn lambkins, penned apart from both.
And vessels full of whey were brimming there
bowls of earthenware and pails for milking.
1.      Why do you think Odysseus spit his men into 2 groups? What were the groups?
2.      Odysseus and his men do not have much food left but they have liquor: Why do you think they are carrying all this liquor?
3.      Odysseus and his men enter a Cyclop’s cave uninvited: Make a prediction: What might happen if a Cylop returns to his cave and catches them there?

Option 2: Collections: :  the cyclops
We beached there, and I told the crew
to stand by and keep watch over the ship;
as for myself I took my twelve best fighters
and went ahead. I had …sweet liquor that Euanthes  son,
… had given me. .. and then this liquor  …of brandy, pure and fiery…
No man turned away when cups of this came round.
but still the sweet scent hovered like a fume…
We climbed, then, briskly to the cave. But Cyclops
had gone afield, to pasture his fat sheep,
so we looked round at everything inside:
a drying rack … with cheeses, pens
crowded with lambs and kids…
…And vessels full of whey were brimming there
bowls of earthenware and pails for milking.
1.         What did Odysseus tell his crew to do?
2.         What did Odysseus do?
3.         What did Odysseus have?
4.         What did Odysseus find when he climbed to the cave?
5.         What did they fin in the cave?

Option 1  Collections: the Cyclopes

We beached there, and I (Odysseus) told the crew (men) to stand by and keep watch over the ship;
1.    What did Odysseus tell his crew to do?
as for myself I took my twelve best fighters and went ahead.
2.    What did Odysseus do?
 I had …sweet liquor…and then this liquor  …of brandy, pure and fiery….
3.    What did Odysseus have?
We climbed… to the cave. But Cyclops had gone afield, to pasture his fat sheep,
4.    What did Odysseus find when he climbed to the cave?
so we looked round at everything inside (the cave): a drying rack … with cheeses…
crowded with lambs and kids…
5.    What did they fin in the cave?
Option 1 A.  Collections: the Cyclopes
We beached there, and I (Odysseus) told the crew (men) to stand by and keep watch over the ship;
1.      What did Odysseus tell his crew to do?
as for myself I took my twelve best fighters and went ahead.
2.      What did Odysseus do?

 I had …sweet liquor…and then this liquor  …of brandy, pure and fiery….
3.      What did Odysseus have?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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