Wednesday, July 5, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 7.5.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 
Option 3: Collections: The Odyssey Background
Homer may have lived sometime between 900 and 800  B.C.—if he ever lived at all. Although the ancient Greeks credited him  with composing the Iliad and the Odyssey, people have long argued  about whether or not he really existed. Many theories speculate on who  Homer may have been and where he may have lived. Details in the  stories suggest that he was born and lived in the eastern Aegean Sea,  either on the islands of Chios or Smyrna, and that he was blind. Whatever position modern scholars take on the debate, most  believe that one or two exceptionally talented individuals created the  Homeric epics.

 Task: Read the following statements, agree Yes or No, then explain why, and give evidence from the text.
1.      Statement: It is known for a fact that Homer wrote the Iliad and The Odyssey.
A.      Your reason for Yes or No:

B.      Evidence from the text:

2.      Statement: Tis book could not have been written by a blind man.
A.         Your reason for Yes or No:
B.      Evidence from the text:

Option 2: Collections: The Odyssey Background

Homer may have lived sometime between 900 and 800 B.C.—if he ever lived at all. Although the ancient Greeks credited him with composing (writing) the Iliad and the Odyssey, people have long argued  about whether or not he really existed. Details in the  stories suggest that he was born…blind. …Whatever position modern scholars (professors) take on the debate, most  believe that one or two exceptionally talented (very intelligent) individuals created the  Homeric epics.
1.        When did Homer live?
2.        Who is Homer?
3.        What have people been arguing?
4.       What detail makes it hard to believe he wrote this story?
5.        Who may have written the Odyssey?  

6.        Why do you think it is so hard to know who really wrote the books?  

Option 1. Collections: The Odyssey Background

Homer may have lived sometime between 900 and 800 B.C.—if he ever lived at all.
1.    When did Homer live?
…the ancient Greeks credited him with composing (writing) the Iliad and the Odyssey,
2.    What did Homer do?
 people have long argued  about whether or not he really existed. Details in the  stories suggest (point out) that he was born…blind. …
3.    What have people argued?
4.    What do details in the  stories suggest about Homer?
…most  believe that one or two… talented (very intelligent) individuals created the  Homeric epics.
5.    What do most people believe?

Option 1A. Collections: The Odyssey Background

Homer may have lived sometime between 900 and 800 B.C.—if he ever lived at all.
1.      When did Homer live?
…the ancient Greeks credited him with composing (writing) the Iliad and the Odyssey,
2.      What did Homer do?
 people have long argued  about whether or not he really existed. Details in the  stories suggest (point out) that he was born…blind. …
3.    What have people argued?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...