Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Global HW Padilla 12-3-13

  • Please review these questions with your child. They were discussed in class today. They need to choose one option. 
  • Please contact me at rpadilla@schools.ny.gov with questions or concerns. 
Option 1: Today we spoke about segregation both in the past and present. Write a small paragraph in which you discuss whether or not segregation still exists.
lOption 2: Today we talked about the Great Depression. Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the Great Depression in the books Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mocking Bird (base your answers on what you learned in class today.
lOption 3: Today we mentioned segregation and the Great Depression. Draw a t- chart on a sheet of paper. On one side draw or write any words you recall about segregation and on the other do the same with the Great Depression.  

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