Friday, July 7, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 7.7.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

Option 3: Collections: Odysseus In The Iliad

   "Oh man! You can't count how many good things Odysseus has done for the Greeks, a real leader in council and in battle...." This is how the Greek troops at Troy describe Odysseus in Homer's Iliad. Often described as "wily" or "cunning", Odysseus stands out among even the Greek heroes at Troy, whether in battle or in council.
   Though he is known for his cleverness, Odysseus demonstrates (shows) that he is a great fighter on the plains of Troy. Though he is no Achilles (greatest warrior of all) or Ajax (great warrior), he still demonstrates his valor numerous (many) times. As a favorite of Athena, goddess of war, few enemies who antagonize (mess with) him live to tell the tale. Though Zeus grants (allows) the Trojans the better of the fighting for much of the Iliad… Odysseus seldom (rarely) fails to stand out among the Greeks against the oncoming Trojans, refusing to yield until seriously wounded. He is also crucial in convincing the troops not to pack up and head for home after Agamemnon (King of the Greeks) fails to rouse their fighting spirit to attack after the false dream Zeus sent him.

Task: Read the following statements, agree Yes or No, then explain why, and give evidence from the text.
1.      Statement: Odysseus only fights when he has to.
A.      Your reason for Yes or No:

B.      Evidence from the text:

2.      Statement: Odysseus is a great leader.
A.         Your reason for Yes or No:
B.      Evidence from the text:

Option 2: Collections: The Odyssey Background

   "Oh man! You can't count how many good things Odysseus has done for the Greeks, a real leader in council and in battle...." This is how the Greek troops at Troy describe Odysseus …Often described as "wily" or "cunning", Odysseus stands out among even the Greek heroes at Troy, whether in battle or in council.
   Though he is known for his cleverness, Odysseus demonstrates (shows) that he is a great fighter on the plains of Troy. Though he is no Achilles (greatest warrior of all) or Ajax (great warrior), he still demonstrates his valor numerous (many) times. … Though Zeus grants (allows) the Trojans the better of the fighting … Odysseus seldom (rarely) fails to stand out among the Greeks against the oncoming Trojans, refusing to yield until seriously wounded. He is also crucial in convincing the troops not to pack up and head for home after Agamemnon (King of the Greeks) fails to rouse their fighting spirit to attack after the false dream Zeus sent him.

1.        What cannot be counted?
2.        How is Odysseus described?
3.        What other quality does Odysseus have?
4.        When is the only time that Odysseus yields?
5.        Why did Odysseus convince the troops?

Option 1. Collections: The Odyssey Background

"Oh man! You can't count how many good things Odysseus has done for the Greeks, a real leader in council and in battle...."
1.     What cannot be counted?
… the Greek troops at Troy describe Odysseus … as "wily" (very smart) or "cunning" (sneaky),
2.     How is Odysseus described?

   Though he is known for his cleverness, Odysseus demonstrates (shows) that he is a great fighter on the plains of Troy.
3.     What other quality does Odysseus have?
… Odysseus seldom (rarely) fails to stand out among the Greeks against the oncoming Trojans, refusing to yield (back down) until … wounded.
4.     When is the only time that Odysseus yields?

He is also crucial in convincing the troops not to pack up and head for home after Agamemnon (King of the Greeks) fails to rouse (inspire) their fighting spirit to attack …
5.     Why did Odysseus convince the troops?

Option 1A. Collections: The Odyssey Background
"Oh man! You can't count how many good things Odysseus has done for the Greeks, a real leader in council and in battle...."
1.       What cannot be counted?
… the Greek troops at Troy describe Odysseus … as "wily" (very smart) or "cunning" (sneaky),
2.       How is Odysseus described?

Though he is known for his cleverness, Odysseus demonstrates (shows) that he is a great fighter on the plains of Troy.
3.       What other quality does Odysseus have?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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