Wednesday, July 12, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 7.13.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 
Option 3: Collections:  the cyclops

In the next land we found were Cyclopes,
giants, louts, without a law to bless them.
In ignorance leaving the fruitage of the earth in mystery
to the immortal gods,  they neither plow
nor sow by hand, nor till the ground, though grain
wild wheat and barley grows untended, and
wine-grapes, in clusters, ripen in heaven’s rain.
Cyclopes have no muster and no meeting,
no consultation or old tribal ways,
but each one dwells in his own mountain cave
dealing out rough justice to wife and child,
indifferent to what the others do. . . .

1.      How do the Cyclopes behave?
2.      How do Cyclopes compare to humans?
3.      What conclusion can you make abut Cyclope society?

Option 2: Collections: :  the cyclops

In the next land we found were Cyclopes,
Giants… without a law to bless them.
In ignorance leaving … the earth in mystery
to the immortal gods,  they neither plow
nor sow by hand, nor till the ground, though grain
wild wheat and barley grows untended, and
wine-grapes… ripen in heaven’s rain.
Cyclopes have no muster (are not smart)….
but each one dwells (lives) in his own mountain cave
dealing out rough justice to wife and child,
indifferent to what the others do. . . .

1.         Who did Odysseus find in the next island?
2.         What did the Cylopes not do?
3.         What do Cylopes eat and drink?
4.         What do Cyclops not have?
5.         How do Cyclopes treat others?

Option 1: the cyclops

In the next land we found were Cyclopes, Giants… without a law to bless them.
1.      Who did Odysseus find in the next island?

they neither plow nor sow by hand, nor till the ground,
2.      What did the Cylopes not do?

though grain  wild wheat and barley grows … and wine-grapes… ripen in heaven’s rain.
3.      What do Cylopes eat and drink?

Cyclopes have no muster (are not smart)….but each one dwells (lives) in his own mountain cave
4.      What do Cyclops not have?

Cyclopes deal out rough justice to wife and child, indifferent to what the others do. . . .
5.      How do Cyclopes treat others?

Option 1 A. Collections: the lotus eaters

  In the next land we found were Cyclopes, Giants… without a law to bless them.
1.        Who did Odysseus find in the next island?

they neither plow nor sow by hand, nor till the ground,
2.        What did the Cylopes not do?

though grain  wild wheat and barley grows … and wine-grapes… ripen in heaven’s rain.
3.        What do Cylopes eat and drink?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...