Friday, July 28, 2017

Hw Mr. Padilla 7.28.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

Option 3: Collections: BOOK 12: The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis

Going forward I carried wax along the line, and laid it thick on their ears. They tied me up, then…took themselves again to rowing. Soon, as we came smartly within …distance, the two Sirens, noting our fast ship off their point, made ready, and they sang. . . .The lovely voices in ardor appealing over the water made me crave to listen, and I tried to say Untie me!  to the crew, jerking my brows; but they bent steady to the oars. Then Perimedes got to his feet, he and Eurylochus, and passed more line about, to hold me still. So all rowed on, until the Sirens dropped under the sea rim, and their singing dwindled away. My faithful company rested on their oars now, peeling off the wax that I had laid thick on their ears; then set me free.

1.       What did Odysseus put in his men’s ears?
2.       What did his men do to Odysseus?
3.       What did the Sirens do? How are their voices described?
4.       Why did Odysseus ask his men to untie him?
5.       Why did Odysseus’ men untie him after the Sirens left?
6. Based on what Circe has told Odysseus, did Odysseus follow her instructions? Explain how?

Option 2. Collections: The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis

Going forward I carried wax along the line, and laid it … on their ears.
1.     What did Odysseus put in his men’s ears?
They tied me up, then…took themselves again to rowing.
2.     What did his men do to Odysseus?
Soon, as we came … within …distance, the two Sirens… made ready, and they sang. . . .
3.     What did the Sirens do?
The lovely voices in … over the water made me crave (want) to listen, and I tried to say Untie me!  to the crew (my men)… but they bent steady to the oars.
4.     Why did Odysseus ask his men to untie him?
So all rowed on, until the Sirens dropped under the sea… and their singing dwindled away. My faithful company…then set me free.
5.     Why did Odysseus’ men untie him after the Sirens left?

Option 1A: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write complete sentences. Use examples from the reading to support your points.

Collections: The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis
Going forward I carried wax along the line, and laid it … on their ears.
1.       What did Odysseus put in his men’s ears?
They tied me up, then…took themselves again to rowing.
2.       What did his men do to Odysseus?
Soon, as we came … within …distance, the two Sirens… made ready, and they sang. . . .
3.       What did the Sirens do?
The lovely voices in … over the water made me crave (want) to listen, and I tried to say Untie me!  to the crew (my men)… but they bent steady to the oars.

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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