Wednesday, July 12, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 7.12.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 
Option 3: Collections:  the lotus eaters

  I might have made it safely home, that time,
but … the current
took me out to sea…
Nine days I drifted on the teeming sea
….we came to the coastline of the Lotus Eaters,
who live upon that flower. We landed there
to take on water. …
Then I sent out two… men and a runner
to learn what race of men that land sustained.
They fell in, soon enough, with Lotus Eaters,
who showed no will to do us harm, only
offering the sweet Lotus to our friends
but those who ate this honeyed plant, the Lotus,
never cared …to return:
they longed to stay forever…. forgetful of their homeland.
I drove them, all …, to the ships,
tied them down under their rowing benches,
….and we moved out again on our sea faring.

1.         What do you think the sweet Lotus is? How do you know this?
2.         What is Odysseus forced to do to his men? Why do you think he does this?
3.         Do you believe Odysseus does the right thing? Why?
4.         Based on your knowledge of current events, how would you describe the effects lotus plant?

Option 2: Collections: the lotus eaters

  I might have made it safely home…but … the current
took me out to sea…Nine days I drifted on the….sea
….we came to the coastline of the Lotus Eaters,
who live upon that flower. We landed there, to take on water. …
Then I sent out two… men …to learn what race of men that land sustained.
They fell in… with Lotus Eaters, who showed no will to do us harm, only
offering the sweet Lotus to our friends
…. those who ate this honeyed plant, the Lotus, never cared …to return:
they longed to stay forever…. forgetful of their homeland.
I drove them …, to the ships, tied them down under their rowing benches,
….and we moved out again on our sea faring.

1.         Why did Odysseus go to the sea?
2.         Where did they end up?
3.         Why did Odysseus send two men?
4.         What did the Lotus Eaters give his men?
5.         What happened to those who ate the Lotus?

Option 1: the lotus eaters
  I might have made it safely home…but … the current took me out to sea…
1.         Why did Odysseus go to the sea?
Nine days I drifted on the….sea….we came to the coastline of the Lotus Eaters,
2.         Where did they end up?
We landed there, to take on water. …Then I sent out two… men …to learn ….that land…
3.         Why did Odysseus send two men?
They fell in… with Lotus Eaters, who…offered the sweet Lotus to our friends
4.         What did the Lotus Eaters give his men?
…. those who ate this honeyed plant, the Lotus, never cared …to return:
they longed to stay forever…. forgetful of their homeland.
5.         What happened to those who ate the Lotus?

Option 1 A. Collections: the lotus eaters

  I might have made it safely home…but … the current took me out to sea…
Why did Odysseus go to the sea?
Nine days I drifted on the….sea….we came to the coastline of the Lotus Eaters,
Where did they end up?
We landed there, to take on water. …Then I sent out two… men …to learn ….that land…
Why did Odysseus send two men?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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