Monday, October 5, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla Social Studies 10-8-15

Dear Parent/Guardians, 

Please assist your child with today's HW. Your child must chose 1 of 3 options below. Feel free to read passage together and discuss questions together. You may contact me with questions at: 

Option 1:  Write a paragraph in which you compare Lennie and George’s experience to the Okies from Grapes of Wrath or the Isrealites. How are they similar ?

Option 2: Cretae a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast migrant workers from the 30’s to the Isrealites..

Optionn 3: Draw an advertisement to attract migrant workers to come to live in NYC.   What can you draw to make them want to come here?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...