Wednesday, November 2, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 11.2.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Student Name: _________________                                                           Date: ____________
Teacher Name: Mr. Padilla                                                 Subject: Social Studies

Option 3:  Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

* We all had the money to get in it only costs a quarter if you're not in a car but Dally hated to do things the legal way. He liked to show that he didn't care whether there was a law or not. He went around trying to break laws. We went to the rows of seats in front of the concession stand to sit down. Nobody else was there except two girls who were sitting down front. Dally eyed them coolly, then walked down the aisle and sat right behind them. I had a sick feeling that Dally was up to his usual tricks, and I was right. He started talking, loud enough for the two girls to hear. He started out bad and got worse. Dallas could talk …dirty if he wanted to and I guess he wanted to then. I felt my ears get hot. Two Bit or Steve or even Soda would have gone… along with him, just to see if they could embarrass the girls, but that kind of kicks just doesn't appeal to me. I sat there, struck dumb, and Johnny left hastily to get a coke.
Why did Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally sneak into the movies? ]

What does Dally hate and like?

Why did Ponyboy have a sick feeling?

What did Dally do?

What would the other Greasers have done if they were there?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

We all had the money.  It only costs a quarter if you're not in a car but Dally hated to do things the legal way. He liked to show that he didn't care ... He went around trying to break laws. We went to the rows of seats in front of the concession stand to sit … Nobody else was there except two girls ... Dally eyed them coolly, then walked down the aisle and sat right behind them. I had a sick feeling that Dally was up to his usual tricks, and I was right. He started talking, loud enough for the two girls to hear. He started out bad and got worse. Dallas could talk …dirty if he wanted to … I felt my ears get hot. Two Bit or Steve or even Soda would have gone… along … to see if they could embarrass the girls… I sat there, struck dumb, and Johnny left… to get a coke.
Why did Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally sneak into the movies?

What did Dally hate doing?

What did Dally like doing?
How did Dally treat the two girls?
How did Ponyboy feel about this?

Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally go to the drive in movie -theater. Ponyboy tells what happened.

…  It only costs a quarter if you're not in a car but Dally hated to do things the legal way.
1.       How much did the movie theater cost?

2.       What does Dally hate doing?

He liked to show that he didn't care ... He went around trying to break laws.
3.       What did Dally like to do?

4.       Does Dally sound like a good kid? Why or why not?

We went to … seats  … Nobody else was there except two girls ... Dally … walked down the aisle and sat right behind them. I had a sick feeling…
5.  Why do you think Ponyboy had a sick feeling?

Opción 2: Lea el pasaje y responda las preguntas que siguen. Escriba oraciones completas. Use ejemplos del texto para apoyar sus respuestas / puntos.
Todos teníamos el dinero. Sólo cuesta un cuarto si no estás en un coche, pero Dally odiaba hacer las cosas de la manera legal. Le gustaba demostrar que no le importaba ... Él andaba por ahí tratando de violar las leyes. Fuimos a las filas de asientos frente al puesto de la concesión para sentarse ... Nadie más estaba allí excepto dos chicas ... Dally los miró con frialdad, luego caminó por el pasillo y se sentó justo detrás de ellos. Tenía una sensación enfermiza de que Dally estaba a la altura de sus trucos habituales, y yo tenía razón. Empezó a hablar, lo suficientemente alto como para que las dos chicas lo oyeran. Comenzó mal y empeoró. Dallas podría hablar ... sucio si quería ... Sentía que mis oídos se calientaban. Dos o Steve o incluso Soda se habrían ido ... a lo largo de ... para ver si podrían avergonzar a las muchachas ... Me senté allí, golpeado mudo, y Johnny dejó ... para conseguir una coca cola.
¿Por qué Ponyboy, Johnny y Dally se metieron en las películas?

¿Qué odiaba hacer Dally?

¿Qué le gustaba a Dally?

¿Cómo trató Dally a las dos chicas?

¿Cómo se sintió Ponyboy sobre esto?

Parent signature_____________________________________________________

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