Tuesday, November 29, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 11.29.16

Homework:  Parents/guardian, please review and assist your child with today’s homework.  Read one of the modified passages and choose one option task to complete.

Topic: We have finally reached the end the of The Outsider’s novel.  The passage above is the final paragraph of the novel. The last sentence of the novel is also the first sentence of the novel.

Option 3: Base responses on reading. Write complete sentences. Use evidence from the passage and what you remember.
I sat down and picked up my pen and thought for a minute. Remembering. Remembering a handsome, dark boy with a reckless grin and a hot temper. A tough,… boy with … a bitter grin on his hard face. Remembering- -- and this time it didn't hurt--- a quiet, defeated-looking sixteen-year-old whose hair needed cutting badly and who had black eyes with a frightened expression to them. One week had taken all three of them. And I decided I could tell people, beginning with my English teacher. I wondered for a long time how to start that theme, how to start writing about something that was important to me. And I finally began like this: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...
Option 1: What did you think of the novel? Write a few sentences explaining why you liked it or did not like.  What was your favorite thing about this novel? What did you not like about the novel? Explain why.  What do you think about the ending of the novel?   Was it a good ending or bad? Explain.  If you could change the ending, how would you do it? Write a new ending to the novel (at least 2 sentences).
Option 2: Base responses on reading. Write complete sentences. Use evidence from the passage and what you remember.
I sat down and picked up my pen and thought for a minute. Remembering. Remembering a handsome, dark boy with a reckless grin and a hot temper. A tough,… boy with … a hard face. Remembering- -- and this time it didn't hurt--- a quiet, defeated-looking sixteen-year-old whose hair needed cutting badly and who had black eyes with a frightened expression to them. One week had taken all three of them. And I decided I could tell people, beginning with my English teacher. I wondered for a long time how to … start writing about something that was important to me. And I finally began like this: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...
Who was your favorite character(s) in the novel?  What did you like about this character? What do you or don’t you have in common with this character? Explain. What character did you like the least? Explain why.

Option 1: Base responses on reading. Write complete sentences. Use evidence from the passage and what you remember.
I sat down and picked up my pen and thought for a minute. Remembering. Remembering a handsome, dark boy with a reckless grin and a hot temper. A tough,… boy with … a hard face.
1.    Who do you think is writing?
2.    Who is the dark boy?

Remembering- -- and this time it didn't hurt--- a quiet… sixteen-year-old whose hair needed cutting badly…One week had taken all three of them (clue Dally, Bob and who else?)
3.    Do you think the writer is happy or sad? Explain why.

 And I decided I could tell people, beginning with my English teacher. I wondered for a long time how to … start writing about something that was important to me.
4.    Who was he writing for? What did he wonder?
 And I finally began like this: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...
5.    Do you like that the first sentence of the story is also the first sentence of the story? Explain why?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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