Tuesday, November 29, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 11.30.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Today we are starting a new novel : To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Below is small biography about the author.

Option 3: Read the passage and answer the questions below.
Harper Lee is the Pulitzer Prize winning author of the brilliantly written To Kill a Mocking Bird. The book instantly became a best seller internationally and was also adapted into an Academy Award winning movie in 1962. Although Harper’s contribution to literature has been limited to one novel only, she has achieved what many writers can only wish for even after authoring volumes.
Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. Lee’s father was a lawyer and member of the Alabama State Legislature. Her mother was mentally unwell and mostly stayed inside the house. Lee was the youngest child of her parents with 3 siblings. Most part of her childhood was spent in a small town being a tomboy with close friend Truman Capote who too became a famous writer. Unlike girls of her age, Lee was as tough as boys and always stood up for Truman when he was being picked on by other boys for being sissy and dressing up in fancy clothes. Their exemplary childhood companionship was to grow stronger into a lifelong friendship.
She dropped out of the university and moved to New York in 1950 where worked at an airline as a reservations officer. It is during her time in New York that she wrote and finished the manuscript of To Kill a Mocking Bird in 1959.
1.       How successful was Harper Lee’s novel?
2.       What did she accomplish with just one book?
3.       Where was she from and who were her parents?
4.       How is she described?
5.       When and where did she finish her manuscript?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions below.
Harper Lee is the Pulitzer Prize winning author of … To Kill a Mocking Bird. The book instantly became a best seller internationally and was also adapted into an Academy Award winning movie in 1962. ..
Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. Lee’s father was a lawyer and member of the Alabama State Legislature. Her mother was mentally unwell and mostly stayed inside the house. Lee was the youngest child of her parents with 3 siblings. Most part of her childhood was spent in a small town being a tomboy with close friend Truman Capote who too became a famous writer. Unlike girls of her age, Lee was as tough as boys and always stood up for Truman when he was being picked on by other boys for being sissy and dressing up in fancy clothes. Their …childhood companionship was to grow stronger into a lifelong friendship.
She dropped out of the university and moved to New York in 1950 where worked at an airline as a reservations officer. It is during her time in New York that she wrote and finished the manuscript of To Kill a Mocking Bird in 1959.
1.       Who is Harper Lee?
2.       Where was she born?
3.       Who were her parents?
4.       How was she as a little girl?
5.       When and where did she finish her book?

Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions below.
Harper Lee is the Pulitzer Prize winning author of … To Kill a Mocking Bird. The book.. became a best seller… and was also adapted (made) into a… movie in 1962. ..
1.Who is Harper Lee?
Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. Lee’s father was a lawyer and … mother was … unwell and mostly stayed inside the house.
2. When and where was she born?
 Lee was the youngest child of her parents with 3 siblings. Most part of her childhood was spent in a small town being a tomboy with close friend Truman Capote who too became a famous writer.
3. Where did she spend most of her childhood? Doing what?
Unlike girls of her age, Lee was as tough as boys and always stood up for Truman when he was being picked on by other boys ...
4. How was she as a young girl?
She dropped out of the university and moved to New York in 1950.... It is during her time in New York that she wrote and finished the manuscript of To Kill a Mocking Bird in 1959.
5.When and where did she write her book?

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