Wednesday, November 16, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 11.17.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Passage from Quilt of a Country:

Option 3:  Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write complete sentences. Use examples from the reading to support your points.
The reality is often quite different… stories not of tolerance, but of bigotry. Slavery …the burning of crosses …Children learn in social-studies class and in the news of the lynching of blacks, the denial of rights to women, the murders of gay men…
—… apartheid in America.... historians must have forgotten the past,.
—… What is the point of a nation …always on the verge of fisticuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays and straights……Today the citizens of the United States have come together once more because …Terrorism…
—Yet …the overwhelming majority … agreed with this statement: "The U.S. is a unique country that stands for something special in the world.”
1.       What reality is the author talking about?
2.       What do children learn in the news and in class?
3.       What example does the author give of people who don’t get along?
4.       What is bringing Americans together today?

Option 2: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write complete sentences. Use examples from the reading to support your points.
The reality is often quite different… stories not of tolerance, but of bigotry. Slavery … Children learn in social-studies class and in the news of the lynching of blacks, the denial of rights to women, the murders of gay men…
.... historians must have forgotten the past,.
—… What is the point of a nation …always on the verge of fisticuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays and straights……Today the citizens of the United States have come together once more because …Terrorism…
—Yet …the… majority … agreed with this statement: "The U.S. is a unique country that stands for something special in the world.”
1.            What reality is the author talking about?
2.            What do children learn in the news and in class?
3.            Who is always close to fisticuffs?
4.            What is bringing American together today?

Option 1: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write complete sentences. Use examples from the reading to support your points.

The reality is often quite different… stories not of tolerance, but of bigotry, slavery... historians must have forgotten the past,
1.       What have historians forgotten?
—… What is the point of a nation …always on the verge (close to)  of fisticuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays and straights…
2.       Who is always close to fisticuffs?
…Today the citizens of the United States have come together once more because …Terrorism…
3.       What is bringing American together today?
—Yet …the… majority … agreed with this statement: "The U.S. is a unique country that stands for something special in the world.”
4.       What do the majority of Americans agree with?

5.  Parent signature________________________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...