Sunday, March 6, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.7.16

Parents/please assist your child with today’s homework.

For the next 2 days we will be reading a memoir by Azar Nafasi. We will be comparing it to Persepolis. 

Collections: Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafasi

* Background:  The Iranian Revolution in the late 1970’s resulted in the overthrow of pro-western Shah of Iran. Iranians established a theocracy, or a religious government, based on the rule of Islam. The new government passed laws that segregate men and women and that force women to adhere to an Islamic dress code. Iranian women are required to wear veils that cover their hair and neck and coats that cover their arms and legs.  The “morality police” ensure that people comply with the laws. People who do not comply may be taken to the morality police headquarters to be questioned, beaten or jailed.

** Background:  The Iranian Revolution in the late 1970’s resulted in the overthrow of … Shah of Iran. Iranians established … a religious government, based on the rule of Islam. The new government passed laws that segregate men and women and that force women… to an Islamic dress code. Iranian women are required to wear veils that cover their hair and neck and coats that cover their arms and legs.  The “morality police” ensure that people comply with the laws. People who do not comply may be taken to the morality police headquarters to be questioned, beaten or jailed.

*** Background:  The Iranian Revolution in the late 1970’s ended up in the overthrow of … Shah of Iran. Iranians established … a religious government, based on the rule of Islam. The new government passed laws that segregate men and women … Iranian women are required to wear veils that cover their hair and neck and coats that cover their arms and legs.  The “morality police” ensure that people comply with the laws. People who do not comply may be taken to the morality police … to be questioned, beaten or jailed.

Overthrow—to replace by force
Establish—to create, to build
Segregate- to separate
Morality- what a person believes is right or wrong
Comply- to do what is asked of you

Option 1: Base response on the reading above.

After reading the background of Reading Lolita in Tehran, compare the background of this story to what you have learned about Persepolis’ background so far. 

Make a list of similarities to Persepolis.

Make a prediction: What do you think Reading Lolita in Tehran will be about?

Option 2: Base response on the reading above and your knowledge of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

According to the background of Reading Lolita in Tehran, “The new government passed laws that segregate men and women.”

How can you relate or compare the segregation of men and women to the segregation of people based on race?

Do you believe these types of segregation are the same, or is one type worse than the other? Explain.  

Gove examples from Persepolis and To Kill a Mockingbird .

Option 3: Base on today’s reading.

The Iranians passed a law that segregated men and women.  In your own words, what does segregation mean?

Do you believe that women and men should be segregated, why or why not?
What were women required to do?  How do you feel about people being told what clothes to wear?

Parent signature_____________________________________

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