Wednesday, March 2, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.2.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

* Shah Reza Pahlavi ruled Iran until 1979. Shah is a Persian word that means king.  Iran is an oil-rich nation.  The Shah used his oil wealth to modernize his nation…He allowed women to vote and hold jobs, built big cities, and created a more secular or non-religious society.

The Shah was very unpopular with many Iranians.  Iran is a very traditional Muslim nation, and many of the Iranian people were displeased with the changes the Shah imposed upon them… Anyone who disagreed with the Shah was forced to leave the nation or face SAVAK, the Shah's brutal secret police.  In 1971, the Shah held a three-day celebration that is believed to have cost over $50 million.  The Shah hosted leaders and celebrities from around the world as parts of his nation was struggling with poverty and drought.

**Shah Reza Pahlavi ruled Iran until 1979. Shah is a Persian word that means king.  Iran is an oil-rich nation.  The Shah used his oil wealth to modernize his nation…He allowed women to vote and hold jobs, built big cities, and created a more … non-religious society.

The Shah was very unpopular with many Iranians.  Iran is a very traditional Muslim nation, and many of the Iranian people were displeased with the changes the Shah imposed… Anyone who disagreed with the Shah was forced to leave the nation or face …the Shah's brutal secret police.  In 1971, the Shah held a three-day celebration that … cost over $50 million.  The Shah hosted leaders and celebrities from around the world as parts of his nation was struggling with poverty and drought.

***Shah Reza Pahlavi ruled Iran until 1979. Shah is a Persian word that means king.  Iran is an oil-rich nation.  The Shah used his…wealth (money) to modernize his nation…He allowed women to vote and hold jobs, built big cities, and created a more … non-religious society.

The Shah was very unpopular with many Iranians.  Iran is a very traditional Muslim nation, and many …people were displeased with the changes the Shah imposed (made)… Anyone who disagreed with the Shah was forced to leave the nation or face …the Shah's brutal secret police. 

Option 1: Base respone on the reading. Use evidence from the text to complete this task.  Some people may say that Shah Reza Pahlavi was a good ruler. Others may say he was a bad ruler. 

What argument would someone who says he is a good ruler use:

What argument would a person that says he is a bad ruler use:

Option 2: We discussed 2 points of view regarding Shah Reza Pahlavi and his rule.
 Base on the reading and today’s class write a paragraph discussing the 2 points of view. Use examples from class discussion and the reading.

Option 3: Base response on the reading.

What does the word “Shah” mean?

Who was Shah Reza Pahlavi?

Why was the Shah unpopular with the people of Iran?

What would the Shah do to peo
ple who disagreed with him?


Example of Traditional: I am traditional, I don’t like to change. I want things to stay the same because I love my traditions.

Muslim: Those who follow the religion of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that there is only one God, called Allah.

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