Monday, March 28, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.29.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

What the Rich Kids of Tehran Instagram Tells Us About Iranian Youth Culture

Reading Focus: How are the Rich Kids of Iran behaving?

*Rich Kids of Instagram  is an account used by obnoxiously wealthy young guys and girls to flaunt their minted lifestyle to lowly strangers. A circle …of Rolexes and people pouring bottles of San Pellegrino down toilets. More recently, a bunch of copy-cat Instagram accounts have been created by well-off kids around the world. Perhaps the most popular of these spin-offs is the Rich Kids of Tehran

… This …parade of cash… and champagne might seem surprising, given that it's coming out of a…Muslim country—out of a culture … where alcohol is prohibited and immodest dressing a crime.

Option1:  Base response on today’s reading.

What is the problem with the rich kids of Iran showing off on Instagram and other social media?

Why do you think they can get away with behaving this way?

Based on what you have read and what you have seen on the news, social media or regular t,v.: how are American rich kids different or the same as the Iran rich kids?

**Rich Kids of Instagram is an account used by obnoxiously wealthy young guys and girls to flaunt their ….lifestyle to lowly strangers. … More recently, a bunch of copy-cat Instagram accounts have been created by well-off kids around the world. Perhaps the most popular of these spin-offs is the Rich Kids of Tehran

… This …parade of cash… and champagne might seem surprising, given that it's coming out of a…Muslim country—out of a culture … where alcohol is prohibited and immodest dressing a crime.

Option2:  Base response on today’s reading.

In your own words, what does the word obnoxious mean?

How are the rich kids of Iran being obnoxious?

Do you believe their behavior is unacceptable? Why or why not?

***Rich Kids of Instagram is an account used by ….wealthy young guys and girls to flaunt their ….lifestyle to lowly strangers. … More recently, a bunch of copy-cat Instagram accounts have been created by well-off kids around the world. Perhaps the most popular … is the Rich Kids of Tehran

… This …parade of cash… and champagne might seem surprising… coming out of a…Muslim country… where alcohol is prohibited and immodest dressing a crime.

Option3:  Base response on today’s reading.

What do the rich kids use Instagram for?

Which group of copy cats is the most popular?

Give examples of some of the things these rich kids do on Instagram?

Why is their behavior surprising?

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