Monday, March 28, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3-28-16


Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:

Since the Iranian revolution of 1979…religious decrees still regulate social life, and the wearing of the hijab is still compulsory for girls in the country. In September last year 2014, seven people who released a video of themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams's song "Happy" were arrested and given suspended sentences of up to one year in prison, as well as 91 lashes.

According to this passage, what has changed in Iran?  

What remains the same?

How do you think the government in Iran can get away with lashing people?

Option 2:
Since the Iranian revolution of 1979…the wearing of the hijab is still compulsory for girls in the country… In September last year 2014, seven people who released a video of themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams's song "Happy" were arrested and given suspended sentences of up to one year in prison, as well as 91 lashes.

 What does compulsory mean?

What is an example of something “compulsory “ in our society?

In your own words, describe what happened to group of seven people?  Could this ever happen in the USA?  Why or why not?

Option 3:
Since the Iranian revolution of 1979…the wearing of the hijab is still compulsory for girls in the country. In September last year 2014, seven people who released a video of themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams's song "Happy" were arrested and given suspended sentences of up to one year in prison…

Find a synonym for the word compulsory.

What has been compulsory for girls since 1979?

What happened in September 2014?

Parent signature__________________________________________

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