Thursday, March 3, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.3.16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.

*In January 1979, religious leaders gained control of Iran in a revolution and forced the Shah to flee.  Iran became an Islamic republic.   Boys and girls were no longer allowed to attend classes together.  Alcohol and western music were forbidden.  Men could not wear T-shirts, short sleeved shirts, or neckties.  Women and girls had to wear long, dark garments that covered their hair and body.  Religious police severely punished anyone suspected of opposing the revolution.

America supported the Shah, and the leaders of Iran’s revolution denounced the United States as the “Great Satan.” Shortly after the United States allowed the Shah to come to New York City for cancer treatment, Iranian students stormed the American embassy and held 52 Americans hostage for more than a year.

**In January 1979, religious leaders gained control of Iran…and forced the Shah to flee (leave).  Iran became an Islamic republic.   Boys and girls were no longer allowed to attend classes together.  Alcohol and western music were forbidden.  Men could not wear T-shirts, short sleeved shirts, or neckties.  Women and girls had to wear long, dark garments that covered their hair and body.  Religious police severely punished anyone suspected of opposing the revolution.

… the leaders of Iran’s revolution denounced (named) the United States as the “Great Satan (devil).” Shortly after the United States allowed the Shah to come to New York City …Iranian students stormed (invaded) the American embassy and held 52 Americans hostage for more than a year.

***In January 1979, religious leaders gained control of (took over) Iran…Iran became an Islamic republic.   Boys and girls were no longer allowed to attend classes together.  Alcohol (adult drinks) and western music were forbidden.  Men could not wear T-shirts, short sleeved shirts, or neckties.  Women and girls had to wear long, dark garments that covered their hair and body. Religious police … punished anyone suspected of opposing the revolution.

… the leaders of Iran’s revolution (named) the United States the “Great Satan (devil).” …after the United States allowed the Shah to come to New York City …Iranian students stormed (invaded) the American embassy (building)  and held 52 Americans hostage for more than a year.

Option 1: Base response on what you have learned so far about the topic of the Iranian Revolution and Islamic Revolution and the novel Night.

Connect this passage to what you learned when we studied the novel Night. What sounds similar to the events in Night? Hint: Loss of freedom. Give examples from the reading and examples of Night that you remember and compare.

 Option 2: You are a news reporter. You are in Iran in January 1979. You are watching what is happening. It is time to report the news to the American Public: Write one main idea and 3 details that you would report.

Main idea:

Detail 1:

Detail 2:

Detail 3:

Option 3: Base on today’s reading:

Make a list of changes that the religious leaders made when they took over Iran.






What did the Iranian students do the American in the embassy and why?

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