Wednesday, March 30, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.31.16


Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

Starting Friday we will begin a new novel, Monster by Walter Dean Myers. Below is a brief summary. 

*This story is about a 16-year-old teenage boy, Steve Harmon, who is accused murder and robbery. He is accused because there were people that claimed that they saw him at the scene of the crime. He battles to prove his innocence with sheer determination.

Steve also inserts entries of his diary into this novel, he talks about how tough his life is in prison and the kind of problems he has to face and endure. Through it all, he learns to survive and live each day as it comes in prison.

A bigger part of this novel is made into a courtroom drama, where … the state …prosecute Steve for murder and Steve's defense lawyer battles the prosecution to eliminate the proof against Steve.

**This story is about a 16-year-old teenage boy, Steve Harmon, who is accused murder and robbery. … people …claimed that they saw him at the scene of the crime. He battles to prove his innocence with… determination.

Steve also … talks about how tough his life is in prison and the kind of problems he has to face and endure. Through it all, he learns to survive and live each day as it comes in prison.

A bigger part of this novel is made into a courtroom drama, where … the state …prosecute Steve for murder and Steve's defense lawyer battles the prosecution to eliminate the proof against Steve.

***This story is about a 16-year-old teenage boy, Steve Harmon, who is accused murder and robbery. … He battles to prove his innocence with… determination.

Steve also … talks about how tough his life is in prison and the kind of problems he has to face and endure. … he learns to survive and live each day as it comes in prison.

A bigger part of this novel is made into a courtroom drama, where … Steve's defense lawyer battles … to eliminate the proof against Steve.

Base response on the reading passage above.

Option 1:
1.    Who is the story about and what happened to him?
2.    What does he try to prove?
3.    What does he talk about in his diary?

Option 2:
1.    What is the main character’s name? What is he being accused of and why?
2.    What does he try to prove?
3.    In your own words, what is another big part of this novel?

Option 3:
1.    Who and what is this story about?
2.    Based on the passage, what are 2 conflicts in the novel?
3.    How will the main character try to deal with what is happening to him?

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.30.16


Parents/please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Base your response on what you have learned this month so far about the novel Persepolis.

1.     Name your favorite part of the novel.

2.     Describe what happened in this part of the novel.

3.     Why do you like this part of the novel.

4.     Draw the scene in the space provided below:

Option 2: Base your response on what you have learned this month so far about the novel Persepolis.

Write a half page book review for the novel Persepolis.  To help you with your review, pretend you are talking to someone who has never heard of this book before.   Also, think of the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why).

Option 3: Base your response on what you have learned this month so far about the novel Persepolis.

1.     Name your favorite character.

2.     Describe this character. What makes him/her special or unique?  

3.     Why do you like this character?  

4.     Draw a portrait of this character in the space provided below.

Parent Signature________________________________________________________________

Monday, March 28, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.29.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

What the Rich Kids of Tehran Instagram Tells Us About Iranian Youth Culture

Reading Focus: How are the Rich Kids of Iran behaving?

*Rich Kids of Instagram  is an account used by obnoxiously wealthy young guys and girls to flaunt their minted lifestyle to lowly strangers. A circle …of Rolexes and people pouring bottles of San Pellegrino down toilets. More recently, a bunch of copy-cat Instagram accounts have been created by well-off kids around the world. Perhaps the most popular of these spin-offs is the Rich Kids of Tehran

… This …parade of cash… and champagne might seem surprising, given that it's coming out of a…Muslim country—out of a culture … where alcohol is prohibited and immodest dressing a crime.

Option1:  Base response on today’s reading.

What is the problem with the rich kids of Iran showing off on Instagram and other social media?

Why do you think they can get away with behaving this way?

Based on what you have read and what you have seen on the news, social media or regular t,v.: how are American rich kids different or the same as the Iran rich kids?

**Rich Kids of Instagram is an account used by obnoxiously wealthy young guys and girls to flaunt their ….lifestyle to lowly strangers. … More recently, a bunch of copy-cat Instagram accounts have been created by well-off kids around the world. Perhaps the most popular of these spin-offs is the Rich Kids of Tehran

… This …parade of cash… and champagne might seem surprising, given that it's coming out of a…Muslim country—out of a culture … where alcohol is prohibited and immodest dressing a crime.

Option2:  Base response on today’s reading.

In your own words, what does the word obnoxious mean?

How are the rich kids of Iran being obnoxious?

Do you believe their behavior is unacceptable? Why or why not?

***Rich Kids of Instagram is an account used by ….wealthy young guys and girls to flaunt their ….lifestyle to lowly strangers. … More recently, a bunch of copy-cat Instagram accounts have been created by well-off kids around the world. Perhaps the most popular … is the Rich Kids of Tehran

… This …parade of cash… and champagne might seem surprising… coming out of a…Muslim country… where alcohol is prohibited and immodest dressing a crime.

Option3:  Base response on today’s reading.

What do the rich kids use Instagram for?

Which group of copy cats is the most popular?

Give examples of some of the things these rich kids do on Instagram?

Why is their behavior surprising?

Parent signature___________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 3-28-16


Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:

Since the Iranian revolution of 1979…religious decrees still regulate social life, and the wearing of the hijab is still compulsory for girls in the country. In September last year 2014, seven people who released a video of themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams's song "Happy" were arrested and given suspended sentences of up to one year in prison, as well as 91 lashes.

According to this passage, what has changed in Iran?  

What remains the same?

How do you think the government in Iran can get away with lashing people?

Option 2:
Since the Iranian revolution of 1979…the wearing of the hijab is still compulsory for girls in the country… In September last year 2014, seven people who released a video of themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams's song "Happy" were arrested and given suspended sentences of up to one year in prison, as well as 91 lashes.

 What does compulsory mean?

What is an example of something “compulsory “ in our society?

In your own words, describe what happened to group of seven people?  Could this ever happen in the USA?  Why or why not?

Option 3:
Since the Iranian revolution of 1979…the wearing of the hijab is still compulsory for girls in the country. In September last year 2014, seven people who released a video of themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams's song "Happy" were arrested and given suspended sentences of up to one year in prison…

Find a synonym for the word compulsory.

What has been compulsory for girls since 1979?

What happened in September 2014?

Parent signature__________________________________________

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3-23-16


Parents/guardians. Please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic: Compare 2 novels: Of Mice and Men and Persepolis.  Theme of Freedom and Confinement 

Option 1:

*Lennie and George are tied down by their need for money. Curley's wife is limited by being a woman. Crooks is stuck because of his race. Except when they're caught up in the intensity of the dream, most characters in Of Mice and Men seem more focused on bemoaning their confinement than planning for their freedom. And you know what? In a world where death seems to be the only way out, we can't blame them.

What do you think the characters OF Mice and Men share in common? 

One thing they all share in common is___________________________________________.

For example,________________________________________________________________________

B. It's easy to take certain freedoms for granted: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to wear white shoes after Labor Day. Many times, we don't notice our freedoms until they're gone. This is what happens to the people of Iran in the 1980s, when Marjane Satrapi's story begins. Revolutionaries who speak out against the regime are executed; everyone is expected to dress as though they are Muslim fundamentalists, especially women who need head-to-toe coverings and a veil.

What is a problem that citizens of Iran must deal with?

A problem citizens of I ran deal with is___________________________ .

What particular problem do women have___________________________________

C. Use graph below to list some of the problems individuals from both novels face.

Option 2:


Lennie and George are tied down by their need for money. Curley's wife is limited by being a woman. Crooks is stuck because of his race.….most characters in Of Mice and Men seem more focused on bemoaning their confinement than planning for their freedom.

Mention at least 2 problems that characters in of Mice and Men deal with:



B.  It's easy to take certain freedoms for granted: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to wear white shoes after Labor Day. Many times, we don't notice our freedoms until they're gone. This is what happens to the people of Iran in the 1980s, when Marjane Satrapi's story begins. ….everyone is expected to dress as though they are Muslims…., especially women who need head-to-toe coverings and a veil.

Mention one problem that everyone in Iran has.

Mention one problem that women had.

What is the main idea of the passage?

 Use graph below to list some of the problems individuals from both novels face.

Of Mice and Men

Option 3:


*Lennie and George are tied down by their need for money. Curley's wife is limited by being a woman. Crooks is stuck because of his race.….most characters in Of Mice and Men seem more focused on bemoaning (being sad) their confinement (being trapped) than planning for their freedom.

List some issues or problems that characters from Of Mice and Men have:

B.  It's easy to take certain freedoms for granted*: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to wear white shoes after Labor Day. Many times, we don't notice our freedoms until they're gone. This is what happens to the people of Iran …when Marjane Satrapi's story begins. ….everyone is expected to dress as though they are Muslims…., especially women who need head-to-toe coverings and a veil.

List some issues or problems that individuals in Persepolis have:

* The word granted means that “ you think you will never lose something you have.” For example, you can take for granted that you have a cozy bed each night, a warm meal, and free school.

Use graph below to list some of the problems individuals from both novels face.

Of Mice and Men

Parents Signature_____________________________________________________

Sunday, March 20, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3.21.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

Topic: We are working on comparing to different novels. Below is a very brief summary of  Arnold Junior Spirit.

* Sherman Alexie ‘s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is about a fourteen-year-old Native kid named Arnold Spirit, Jr., a character based in part on Alexie's experiences growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Wellpinit, WA. Arnold is funny, sensitive, and a budding artist.
Arnold, though, is not only a teenage Indian going through all of the usual coming of age stuff. Arnold is also the reservation outcast, and he's been beaten to a pulp more times than is probably healthy. Arnold (like Alexie Sherman) makes a choice to leave the reservation and attend the affluent white school twenty-two miles away in Reardan. Branded a traitor, Arnold then gets caught between two worlds: his home on the reservation and the white high school he attends. Feeling as though he fits in nowhere, Arnold is forced to forge a new kind of identity for himself... as if being fourteen years old wasn't hard enough.

** Sherman Alexie ‘s The Absolutely True Diary is about a fourteen-year-old Native kid named Arnold Spirit, Jr., … based in part on Alexie's experiences growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation…Arnold is funny, sensitive, and an artist.
Arnold, is not only a teenage Indian going through all of the usual coming of age stuff. Arnold is also an outcast, and he's been beaten … more times than is probably healthy. Arnold (like Alexie Sherman) makes a choice to leave the reservation and attend the… white school twenty-two miles away in Reardan. Branded a traitor, Arnold then gets caught between two worlds: his home on the reservation and the white high school he attends. Feeling as though he fits in nowhere, Arnold is forced to forge a new kind of identity for himself... as if being fourteen years old wasn't hard enough.

*** Sherman Alexie ‘s The Absolutely True Diary is about a fourteen-year-old Native kid named Arnold Spirit, Jr., … based in part on Alexie's experiences growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation…Arnold is funny, sensitive, and an artist.
…Arnold is also an outcast... Arnold (like Alexie Sherman) makes a choice to leave the reservation and attend the… white school…in Reardan. Branded a traitor, Arnold then gets caught between two worlds: his home on the reservation and the white high school he attends. Feeling as though he fits in nowhere, Arnold is forced to forge (make up) a new ... identity for himself... as if being fourteen years old wasn't hard enough.

Option 1: Base response on the above summary of Sherman Alexie’s novel The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian and what you have learned about the novel Persepolis so far.

The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian and Persepolis have several things in common.  To begin with, they are both coming of age stories.

Your task: identify in this summary anything and everything that you think Junior Spirit and Marjane have in common.  Explain how and why for each one.

Remember, there are no right and wrong answers (mistakes are welcome) as long as you support your points with evidence from the text.

Option 2: Base response on the above summary of Sherman Alexie’s novel The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian and what you have learned about the novel Persepolis so far.


Author & Main Character

Description of character

Where does the character live and where to they go.

What is it like growing up?

Option 3: Base response on the above summary of Sherman Alexie’s novel The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian and what you have learned about the novel Persepolis so far.



Character Name

One problem the character has

Question: Which character do you think has a bigger problem? Why do you think so?

Parent Signature______________________________________________________

Friday, March 18, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 3-18-16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic:  Is being a hero worth it?

*Classical heroes are otherwise normal people, except they have a great talent. They often possess an attribute or quality that distinguishes them from ordinary people, making them a hero. Sometimes this is great skill, but other times it is a quality of character, like courage. It's important to remember that classical heroes possess something others do not have, but are otherwise equal in their worlds. Examples of heroes are: Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Atticus Finch, Ponyboy, Rikki-tikki-tavi, or King Arthur.

Superheroes can start out as classical or even everyman heroes. Somewhere along the way, they acquire power that makes them "super". However, most superheroes are born with beyond-human qualities. Well-known examples would be Superman, Spiderman, or Wonder Woman.

**Classical heroes are…. normal people, except they have a great talent. They often possess a quality that distinguishes them from ordinary people, making them a hero. Sometimes this is great skill, but other times it is a quality …like courage. It's important to remember that classical heroes possess something others do not have, but are otherwise equal in their worlds. Examples of heroes are: Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Atticus Finch, Ponyboy, Rikki-tikki-tavi, or King Arthur.

Superheroes can start out as classical or even everyman heroes. Somewhere along the way, they acquire power that makes them "super". However, most superheroes are born with beyond-human qualities. Well-known examples would be Superman, Spiderman, or Wonder Woman.

***Classical heroes are…. normal people, except they have a great talent. They often possess a quality that distinguishes (makes them different)… from ordinary (regular) people…. Sometimes this is great skill,…other times it is a quality …like courage…. classical heroes possess something others do not have, but are otherwise equal in their worlds. Examples of heroes are: Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Atticus Finch, Ponyboy, Rikki-tikki-tavi, or King Arthur.

Superheroes can start out as classical or even everyman heroes. Somewhere along the way, they acquire power that makes them "super". However, most superheroes are born with beyond-human qualities. Well-known examples would be Superman, Spiderman, or Wonder Woman.

Option 1: During the Iraq and Iran war one of Marjane’s friends loses her father during a battle.  Marjane tells her friend that her dad was a hero. Her friend replies:  “I wish he were alive and in jail rather than dead and a hero.”

Based on what you know about heroes, both fictional and real-life, write a paragraph giving your view on this topic.  Is being a hero worth it?
Give examples from Persepolis, other books, and real life to make your argument stronger.

Option 2:  Base response on the book Persepolis, today’s reading and your previous knowledge.

Compare any fictional hero to a real life hero. For your real life hero you can use Pardisse’s dad from Persepolis, a hero from the news, or historical hero.

Fictional Hero
Real Life Hero

Talent or Power

Act of Bravery

How is he/she remembered?

Option 3: Base response on today’s reading.

Use the organizer below to highlight details of Classical heroes and Super heroes.

Classical Hero
Super Hero

Based on the information from your organizer, which one do you prefer? Explain why?

Parent signature_________________________________________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...