Tuesday, June 6, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 6.6.17

 Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.  

Option 3: Collections: HOW I SERVED MY APPRENTICESHIP 1900

Andrew Carnegie was one of the best known industrialists of the late 19th century. The son of poor Scottish immigrants, Carnegie began working in a factory at the age of 12. He eventually became one of the leaders of the railroad and steel industries in the United States. Along the way, Carnegie also became an enthusiastic promoter of the “gospel of wealth,” his belief that success comes from hard work, honesty, and steady investment. In the following selection, Carnegie describes his rise from rags to riches, and his transformation from factory worker to businessman.

1.      What is the gospel of wealth? Do you agree with his belief? Why?
2.      Carnegie began working in a factory at the age of 12: What have you learned about young children who worked in factories?
3.      How is Andrew’s experience different to other children you learned about?

 Option 2 :  Collections: HOW I SERVED MY APPRENTICESHIP 1900

Andrew Carnegie was one of the best known industrialists of the late 19th century. The son of poor Scottish immigrants, Carnegie began working in a factory at the age of 12. He eventually became one of the leaders of the railroad and steel industries in the United States. Along the way, Carnegie also became a…promoter of the “gospel of wealth,” his belief that success comes from hard work, honesty, and steady investment. In the following selection, Carnegie describes…his transformation from factory worker to businessman.]

1.         Who was Andrew Carnegie?
2.         How old was he when he began to work?
3.         What was one of his accomplishments?
4.         What is the gospel of wealth?
5.         Do you believe in the gospel of wealth? Why or why not?

Option 1. Collections: HOW I SERVED MY APPRENTICESHIP 1900
Andrew Carnegie was one of the best known industrialists of the…19th century.
1.    Who was Andrew Carnegie?

The son of poor Scottish immigrants, Carnegie began working in a factory at the age of 12.
2.    How old was he when he began to work?

He eventually became one of the leaders of the railroad and steel industries in the United States. …
3.    What was one of his accomplishments?

Carnegie also became a…promoter …of  his belief that success comes from hard work, honesty, and steady investment. …
4.    What did he believe in?

In the following selection, Carnegie describes…his transformation from factory worker to businessman.
5.    What will he describe?

Option 1. Collections: HOW I SERVED MY APPRENTICESHIP 1900
Andrew Carnegie was one of the best known industrialists of the…19th century.
1.      Who was Andrew Carnegie?

The son of poor Scottish immigrants, Carnegie began working in a factory at the age of 12.
2.      How old was he when he began to work?

He eventually became one of the leaders of the railroad and steel industries in the United States. …
3.      What did he accomplish?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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