Thursday, June 22, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 6.22.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

Option 3: Collections: IMMIGRANT VOICES late 1800s through mid-1900s
Mrs. Chin, age 19, writing from Angel Island, 1913
There was not much for us to do on the Island. In the morning, we got up and washed our faces. Afterwards, we had breakfast. After we ate, we napped or washed our own clothes. At lunch time, we had congee [rice porridge] in a large serving bowl with some cookies. Then at night we had rice with a main dish. You picked at some of it, I picked at some of it, and that was that. We ate in a huge dining hall. After the women ate, the men ate. As the women passed, the men teased us, whistling, saying this-and-that; they were so naughty. They allowed us to go outside to the yard or even out to the dock, where there were grass and trees, tall and fan-like. The women were allowed to wander around, jump around, and stick our hands or feet into the water to fish out seaweed. Otherwise, the day would have been hard to pass.

Statement: There was much to do in Angel Island.
A.      Your reason for Yes or No before reading the text:

B.      Evidence from the text:

C.      Your reason for yes or no: combine your reasoning and text:

 Statement: Mrs. Chin and other women had a great experience at Angel Island.
              A. Your reason for Yes or No before reading the text:

B. Evidence from the text:

C.      Your reason for yes or no: combine your reasoning and text:

Option 2: Collections: IMMIGRANT VOICES late 1800s through mid-1900s
Mrs. Chin, age 19, writing from Angel Island, 1913

There was not much for us to do on the Island. In the morning, we got up and washed our faces. Afterwards, we had breakfast. After we ate, we napped or washed our own clothes. At lunch time, we had congee [rice porridge] in a large serving bowl with some cookies. Then at night we had rice with a main dish… We ate in a huge dining hall. After the women ate, the men ate. As the women passed, the men teased us, whistling…they were so naughty. They allowed us to go outside to the yard …where there were grass and trees… The women were allowed to wander around, jump around, and stick our hands or feet into the water to fish out seaweed. Otherwise, the day would have been hard to pass.

1.        Did life in Angel Island sound fun? Explain why or why not?
2.        What would the women do in the morning?
3.        What did she have for breakfast?
4.        How did the men treat the women?
5.        How did the women pass time?
6.   Based on the passage, do you think Ms. Chin has good or bad memories of Angel Island? Explain.

Option 1. Collections: : IMMIGRANT VOICES late 1800s through mid-1900s

Mrs. Chin, age 19, writing from Angel Island, 1913
There was not much for us to do on the Island. In the morning, we got up and washed our faces.
1.    Did life in Angel Island sound fun? Explain why or why not?
Afterwards, we had breakfast. After we ate, we napped or washed our own clothes.
2.    What would the women do in the morning?
At lunch time, we had congee [rice porridge] in a…bowl with some cookies. … We ate in a huge dining hall. After the women ate, the men ate.
3.    What did she have for breakfast?
 As the women passed, the men teased us…They allowed us to go outside to the yard …where there were grass and trees…
4.    How did the men treat the women?
 The women were allowed to wander around, jump around, and stick our hands or feet into the water to fish out seaweed.
5.    How did the women pass time?

Option 1 A. Collections: IMMIGRANT VOICES late 1800s through mid-1900s
Mrs. Chin, age 19, writing from Angel Island, 1913
There was not much for us to do on the Island. In the morning, we got up and washed our faces.
1.      Did life in Angel Island sound fun? Explain why or why not?
Afterwards, we had breakfast. After we ate, we napped or washed our own clothes.
2.      What would the women do in the morning?
At lunch time, we had congee [rice porridge] in a…bowl with some cookies. … We ate in a huge dining hall. After the women ate, the men ate.
3.      What did she have for breakfast?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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