Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your
child with today’s homework.
Option 3:
Who was your
favorite character? Explain why you liked this character.
Would you
recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?
If you could meet
the author of this book what would you tell him about his book?
Option 2:
What did you like
the most about The Fault In Our Stars?
What did you
dislike the most?
What was your
favorite part of the book?
What was the
least favorite part of the book?
Option 1:
Did you like this book?
Give one reason why you liked the book or one reason why you didn't?
Who was your favorite character and why?
Option 4:
Choose any questions from any options that you wish to.
Parent Signature_________________________________
Enjoy your three day weekend. you've worked hard!!!!!