Wednesday, June 14, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 6.16.17

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.  
Option 3: Collections: IMMIGRANT VOICES late 1800s through mid-1900s Rose Gollup & Mrs. Chin
During the 1800s, millions of immigrants from around the world left their homelands to come to the United States. Both the east and west coasts had points of entry for these immigrants. On the East Coast, from 1892 through 1954, Ellis Island in New York City was the place where many immigrants first entered the United States. Ellis Island had replaced Castle Garden, Manhattan, as the New York immigration-processing center. On the West Coast, Angel Island, in San Francisco Bay, served as the point of entry for the majority of the approximately 175,000 Chinese immigrants who came to America between 1910 and 1940. Entry at Angel Island was particularly hard because immigrants were detained for days, weeks, and even months in inadequate facilities that were closely guarded so they could not escape.  
Task: Read the following statements, agree Yes or No, then explain why, and give evidence from the text.
1.      1.      Statement: Immigrants to America preferred New York City over anywhere else.   
A.      Your reason for Yes or No:

B.      Evidence from the text:

2.      Statement: Immigrants who came to America had a very good experience.
A.         Your reason for Yes or No:
B.      Evidence from the text:

Option 2: Collections: IMMIGRANT VOICES late 1800s through mid-1900s Rose Gollup & Mrs. Chin

During the 1800s, millions of immigrants from around the world left their homelands to come to the United States…. On the East Coast, from 1892 through 1954, Ellis Island in New York City was the place where many immigrants first entered the United States. Ellis Island had replaced Castle Garden, Manhattan, as the New York immigration… center. On the West Coast, Angel Island, in San Francisco Bay, served as the point of entry for the majority of the …175,000 Chinese immigrants who came to America between 1910 and 1940. Entry at Angel Island was… hard because immigrants were detained for days, weeks, and even months in inadequate (bad) facilities that were closely guarded so they could not escape.

1.        How many immigrants entered the USA in the 1800’s?
2.        Where did immigrants enter on the east coast?
3.        Where was the old immigration center?
4.        How many Chinese immigrants entered San Francisco between 1910 and 1940?
5.        Why was entry at Angel Island hard? ape. 


During the 1800s, millions of immigrants from around the world left their homelands to come to the United States….

1.    How many immigrants entered the USA in the 1800’s?
On the East Coast, from 1892 through 1954, Ellis Island in New York City was the place where many immigrants first entered the United States.
2.    Where did immigrants enter on the east coast?
Ellis Island had replaced Castle Garden, Manhattan, as the New York immigration… center.
3.    Where was the old immigration center?
On the West Coast, Angel Island, in San Francisco Bay, served as the point of entry for …175,000 Chinese immigrants who came to America between 1910 and 1940.
4.    How many Chinese immigrants entered San Francisco between 1910 and 1940?
Entry at Angel Island was… hard because immigrants were detained for days, weeks, and even months in…facilities that were closely guarded so they could not escape. 
5.    Why was entry at Angel Island hard?

During the 1800s, millions of immigrants from around the world left their homelands to come to the United States….
1.      How many immigrants entered the USA in the 1800’s?
On the East Coast, from 1892 through 1954, Ellis Island in New York City was the place where many immigrants first entered the United States.
2.      Where did immigrants enter on the east coast?
Ellis Island had replaced Castle Garden, Manhattan, as the New York immigration… center.
3.      Where was the old immigration center?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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