Tuesday, May 30, 2017

HW Mr Padilla 5.30.17

Homework: Dear/parents and guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3:

Collections: 141 DIE IN FACTORY FIRE,  1911
On March 25, 1911, fire broke out in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New
York City. The factory had no fire escapes, and managers routinely locked all doors to
prevent workers from leaving the factory floor for breaks. This article, which appeared
the next day in the New York Times, shocked and horrified the nation. The subsequent
public outrage led to the growth of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union
(founded in 1900) and increased government regulation of industrial working conditions.
1 4 1  M E N  A N D  G I R L S  D I E  I N  W A I S T  F A C T O R Y  F I R E;  T R A P P E D  H I G H  U P  I N  
W A S H I N G T O N  P L A C E B U I L D I N G ; S T R E E T  S T R E W N  W I T H B O D I E S ;  P I L ES  O F
 D E A D  I N S I D E

Task: Answers questions based on what you know about safety at the workplace, the novel Mockingjay, and what you have: learned this month.

1.       Who is responsible for this disaster? Explain your opinion, provide evidence.

2.       How does this relate to the novel Mockingjay?

Option 2:
Collections: 141 DIE IN FACTORY FIRE,  1911
On March 25, 1911, fire broke out in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New
York City. The factory had no fire escapes, and managers routinely locked all doors to
prevent workers from leaving the factory floor for breaks. This article, which appeared
the next day in the New York Times, shocked and horrified the nation. The …
public outrage led to the growth of the International Ladies …Workers Union...
1 4 1  M E N  A N D  G I R L S  D I E  I N  W A I S T  F A C T O R Y  F I R E;  T R A P P E D  H I G H  U P  I N 
W A S H I N G T O N  P L A C E B U I L D I N G ; S T R E E T  S T R E W N  W I T H B O D I E S ;  P I L ES  O F
 D E A D  I N S I D E

1.         When did the fire break out?
2.         List 2 reasons why people couldn’t escape the fire.
3.         How did people feel when they heard the news?
4.         What did people’s anger lead to?
5. What word would you use to describe what happened? Why?

Option 1:

Collections: 141 DIE IN FACTORY FIRE,  1911
On March 25, 1911, fire broke out in (a) factory in New York City.
1.     When did the fire break out?

 The factory had no fire escapes, and managers routinely (everyday)locked all doors to prevent (stop) workers from leaving the factory floor for breaks.
2.     List 2 reasons why people couldn’t escape the fire.


This article… appeared the next day in the New York Times, shocked and horrified the nation.
3.     How did people feel when they heard the news?

The … public outrage (anger) led to the growth of the International Ladies …Workers Union...
4.     What did people’s anger lead to?

1 4 1  M E N  A N D  G I R L S  D I E  I N  W A I S T  F A C T O R Y  F I R E; 
5.     How many people died?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...