Monday, May 22, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 5.22.17

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3:
Collections: British Parliamentary Commission: from CHILD LABOR IN THE MINES, 1842

 In the 1800s, British children as young as seven worked in factories and mines. Eventually, the British
…passed laws to limit child labor.
James Pearce’s Testimony I am 12 years of age. I went down to the pits about 7 years and a half to open doors. I had a candle and a fire beside me to show me light. There was one door. The horse coming
with empty basket and skip could open it with his head, but when he returned with his
load I opened it then. I worked 12 hours a-day, and got 6 [pennies] a-day. I attended and
got the money. When I was paid I took it home to my mother. I was a year and a half at
this work. I once fell asleep and was well threshed by a driver. The horse was fast. It was down-hill and the horse could not draw back. He laid well into me; I cried out, but nobody would come and help me. I did not tell my father. I never thought anything about it afterwards.

Hunger Games
Katniss's father… He was a coal miner in the Seam of District 12 who died in a terrible explosion when Katniss was 11. He was a strong provider for his family. After his death, Katniss stepped into his place and filled his shoes by becoming the sole provider for the family.

Task: What theme can connect the two passages above? Compare and contrast the 2 passages  in a 5-7 sentence paragraph.

Option 2:

Collections: British Parliamentary Commission: from CHILD LABOR IN THE MINES, 1842

 In the 1800s, British children as young as seven worked in factories and mines. Eventually, the British …passed laws to limit child labor.

James Pearce’s Testimony
I am 12 years of age. I went down to the pits about 7 years and a half to open doors. I had
a candle and a fire beside me to show me light. … I worked 12 hours a-day, and got 6 [pennies] a-day. I attended and got the money. When I was paid I took it home to my mother. I was a year and a half at this work. I once fell asleep and was well threshed by a driver. The horse was fast. It was down-hill and the horse could not draw back. He laid well into me; I cried out, but nobody would come and help me. I did not tell my father. I never thought anything about it afterwards.

Hunger Games
Katniss's father… He was a coal miner in the Seam of District 12 who died in a terrible explosion when Katniss was 11. He was a strong provider for his family. After his death, Katniss stepped into his place and filled his shoes by becoming the sole provider for the family.

1.            How young were the children that worked in mines?
2.            Where how long did James work?
3.            How many hours a day did he make? How much did he make?
4.            What happened to James once?
5.            What happened to Katniss that is similar?
6.            How is Katniss similar to James?

Option 1:

In the 1800s, British children as young as seven worked in factories and mines.
1.       How young were the children that worked in mines?

(James Pearce’s Testimony): I am 12 years of age. I went down to the pits about 7 years and a half to open doors.
2.       Where how long did James work?

I had a candle and a fire beside me to show me light. … I worked 12 hours a-day, and got 6 [pennies] a-day.
3.       How many hours a day did he make? How much did he make?

I once fell asleep and was well threshed by a (horse) driver. … I cried out, but nobody would come and help me. I did not tell my father.
4.       What happened to James once?

Hunger Games
Katniss's father… He was a coal miner in the Seam of District 12 who died in a terrible explosion when Katniss was 11. He was a strong provider for his family. After his death, Katniss stepped into his place and filled his shoes by becoming the sole provider for the family.

5.       What happened to Katniss that is similar?

Parent signature_______________________________

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