Tuesday, May 16, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 5.16.17

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3: Read the passage, answer the questions below. Use evidence from the text to support your response.

Mockingjay Quote:

Peeta says: "That giant clock ticking away your life. Every hour promising some new horror. You have to imagine that in the past two days, sixteen people have died – some of them defending you. At the rate things are going, the last eight will be dead by morning. Save one. The victor. And your plan is that it won't be you."  

All Quiet in the Western Front Quote:

“But we are swept forward again, powerless, madly savage and raging; we will kill, for they are still our mortal enemies; their rifles and bombs are aimed against us, and if we don't destroy them, they will destroy us”

1.   Compare the 2 quotes above.
A.   How are they similar?
B.   How are they different?

2.   How would you compare surviving a war or The Hunger Games to winning a lottery?
3.   Courage, luck, or being fearless: Which one does it take to survive in battle? Choose one option and explain why?

Option 2: Read the passage, answer the questions below. Use evidence from the text to support your response.

Mockingjay Quote:

Peeta says: "That giant clock ticking away your life. Every hour promising some new horror. … in the past two days, sixteen people have died – some of them defending you…the last eight will be dead by morning. … And your plan is that it won't be you."  

All Quiet in the Western Front Quote:

“But we are swept forward again, powerless, madly savage and raging; we will kill, for they are still our mortal enemies; their rifles and bombs are aimed against us, and if we don't destroy them, they will destroy us”

1.   What does Peeta say?

2.   What has happened in the past 2 days?
3.   How do you think Peeta feels? Give evidence to support your response.

4.   How are the soldiers described?
5.   Courage, luck, or being fearless: Which one does it take to survive in battle? Choose one option and explain why?

Option 1: Read the passage, answer the questions below. Use evidence from the text to support your response.

Mockingjay Quote:

Peeta says: "That giant clock ticking away your life. Every hour promising some new horror.
1.   What does Peeta say?

… in the past two days, sixteen people have died – some of them defending you…
2.   What has happened in the past 2 days?
the last eight will be dead by morning. … And your plan is that it won't be you."  
3.   What is Peeta’s plan?

All Quiet in the Western Front Quote:

“But we are swept forward… we will kill, for they are still our mortal enemies;
4.   What will the soldiers do?
their rifles … are aimed against us, and if we don't destroy them, they will destroy us”

5.   Why are the soldiers trying to destroy their enemy?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...