Thursday, May 25, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 5.25.17

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.

Option 3:


The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700s. The introduction of new machines revolutionized the country's clothmaking industry. However, not everybody in England was happy about this transformation….

Viewpoint 1, by the Yorkshire Cloth Workers June 13, 1786

The number of Scribbling-Machines … exceed all belief, being no less than one hundred and seventy! and as each machine will do as much work in twelve hours, as ten men can in that time do by hand, and they working night-and day, one machine will do as much work in one day as would otherwise employ twenty men. . . How are those men, …thrown out of employ to provide for their families;—… Some say, Begin and learn some other business.—Suppose we do; who will maintain our families, whilst we undertake the arduous task; and when we have learned it, how do we know we shall be any better for all of our pains; for by the time we have served our second apprenticeship, another machine may arise, which may take away that business also . . .

Task: You will write a one paragraph response to this passage. Your paragraph must include the following:

1.       Summary (Use the 5 W’s to help you organize)
2.       Why is this a problem?
3.       Is this a problem that is happening today?
4.       What is your opinion: Is this serious or not? Explain why

Option 2:

The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700s. The introduction of new
machines revolutionized the country's clothmaking industry. However, not everybody in England was happy about this transformation….
Viewpoint 1, by the Yorkshire Cloth Workers June 13, 1786
The number of Scribbling-Machines … exceed all belief, being no less than one hundred and seventy! and as each machine will do as much work in twelve hours, as ten men can in that time do by hand, and they working night-and day, one machine will do as much work in one day as …. twenty men. . . How are those men, …thrown out of employ to provide for their families;—… Some say, Begin and learn some other business.—Suppose we do; who will maintain our families, … and when we have learned it, how do we know we shall be any better for all of our pains; for by the time we have served our second apprenticeship, another machine may arise, which may take away that business also . . .

1.            What was happening in England in the late 1700’s?
2.            How many machines were there?
3.            How much work could one machine do?
4.            How many men can one machine equal in one day?
5.            Why is it hard to go learn a new skill/career?
6.            What is this narrator worried about?

Option 1:

The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700s…. However, not everybody in England was happy about this transformation….
1.       What was happening in England in the late 1700’s?

Viewpoint 1, by the Yorkshire Cloth Workers June 13, 1786
The number of …-Machines … being no less than one hundred and seventy! … each machine will do as much work in twelve hours, as ten men can in that time do by hand,
2.       How many machines were there?

3.       How much work could one machine do?

 and they working night-and day, one machine will do as much work in one day as …. twenty men. . .
4.       How many men can one machine equal in one day?

 How are those men, … to provide for their families;—… Some say, Begin and learn some other business (go to school).—Suppose we do; who will maintain our families, …
5.       Why is it hard to go learn a new skill/career?

… how do we know we shall be any better for all of our pains; for by the time we have served our second apprenticeship, another machine may arise, which may take away that business also . . .
6.       What is this narrator worried about?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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